



Ground-based LiDAR can easily acquire large amounts of elevation data in a short time that offer high density and accuracy information to create three dimensional models of buildings. Manufacturing announced that the accuracy of ground-based LiDAR can reach level of centimeter, even millimeter. But listed in the specifications of the instrument is usually the accuracy of range, not position. These 3D models are used in a wide variety of applications such as building construction, disaster prevention, architecture, preserving the cultural assets, transmitter placement in telecommunication. We would like to present an appropriate error model that we believe will significantly help in the explanation of scanner errors. We could acquire the cause of errors by this model. Then, we could rectify the systematic errors made by the scanner. In addition, the next section discusses an outdoor field for calibration purposes. The calibration approach used is based on setting up targets in an indoor field. We will deal with two methods-traditional (total station) and LiDAR measurement, which results in the errors and accuracy of LiDAR. The systematic errors of the scanner are rectified via the coordinates transformation of 10 parameters, that includes 3 rotation, 3 translation, 2 angular, and 2 ranging parameters. The result has shown that these 10 parameters are sufficient for rectification.
