  • 期刊


Causes of Disputes in Nursing Practice: Analysis of Court Cases in Taiwan


背景 一旦發生護理業務事故,導致護理對象受到傷害或死亡,極易產生護病糾紛,護理對象及家屬在悲憤的情緒下,會向法院提出訴訟。 目的 旨在了解護理業務糾紛發生的原因。 方法 採次級資料回溯分析方式,以質性研究法,由司法院法學資料檢索系統彙集護理人員執行護理臨床業務所引起糾紛的案例,共61例,有108位護理人員涉案,以內容分析法做分類及歸納。 結果 歸納發生護理業務糾紛的原因有四大主題,包括:㈠護理照護行為疏失;㈡執行醫療輔助行為疏失;㈢超出護理業務範圍;㈣行政業務疏失。 結論/實務應用 研究結果可做為臨床護理人員的警惕與預防護理業務糾紛的發生,並提供臨床護理行政人員及護理教育者實施護理法律相關教育課程時的參考,期能增進護理工作品質,進而提升護理對象的安全。


Background: Injury to clients or client death while under a nurse's care makes the nurse an easy target for client family-sponsored legal disputes, which may result in formal lawsuits being filed. Purpose: This research was designed to understand the underlying causes of nursing practice disputes. Methods: This study used a qualitative design that utilized secondary analysis, and court cases related to nursing practice disputes retrieved from the database ”Law and Regulations Retrieving System, The Judicial Yuan of the Republic of China”. The 61 cases used in this study involved 108 nurses. Researchers used content analysis to classify and induce nursing practice dispute factors. Result: We identified four nursing practice dispute factor themes. These included: (1) Mistakes in nursing care behavior; (2) Mistakes in medical auxiliary behavior; (3) Exceeding nursing practice scope; and (4) Mistakes in administrative practice. Conclusions/Implications for practice: Findings may assist clinical nurses to be more vigilant in order to prevent nursing practice disputes, inform clinical nursing administrative personnel about law-related nursing education courses, and enhance both nursing care quality and patient safety.


nursing practice disputes client court cases


