  • 期刊


Gaze Differences on Tee-Ball Batting


近年國小風行樂樂棒球,如何精準並使用適當時機擊中置於打擊底座上的球體,與樂樂棒球運動員在比賽中的視覺訊息有密切關係,眼動研究正好可以提供以上訊息。本研究目的在探討國小中高年級學生在樂樂棒球揮棒擊球期間,其視覺凝視區域偏移值與擊球成功率之相關性;以及國小中高年級棒球隊學生與一般學生揮棒擊球期間視覺凝視區域的差異性。以iView X HED4頭戴式眼動儀收集樂樂棒球揮棒擊球動作眼球凝視軌跡資訊,透過逐格分析實驗影片,利用皮爾遜積差相關檢驗凝視點偏移值與擊球成功率的相關性;以及利用獨立樣本t考驗,比較棒球組與一般組凝視點偏移值之差異性。結果發現擊中球體前0.1秒之凝視點偏移值與擊球成功率之r值為-.922,達到顯著;擊中球體前0.1秒之凝視點偏移值,棒球組與一般組之t值為3.893,亦達顯著。


Tee-ball is a popular game in Taiwan elementary schools. In order to hit the ball on the tee accurately, the batter should care about the their visional signals in game. Eye tracking research can help them to do that. In this study, it will focus not only on the students of the third to sixth grade in elementary schools, during they play Tee-ball, the relationship between the departure of gaze zone and batting success rate, but also the differences of gaze zone between the baseball team players and normal students. By using an iView X HED4 eye tracker, we collected eye gaze signals, and analyzed the film frame by frame. The Pearson's product-moment Correlation is used to analyze the relationship between the departure of eye gaze and the batting success rate. Using Independent-Sample t-Test compare the differences on the departure of gaze point between baseball team players and normal students in addition.


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