  • 期刊


Cultural Writing and Symbol Discussion: Taking the Taiwanese-Japanese Dictionary as an Example


台灣頭一任總督府學務部長伊澤修二,一方面是本身「扶持漢字」ê態度,一方面考量漢字tī「日語」hām「台語」ê教育功用性,所以制定出「漢字為主,假名輔助」ê模式,成做官方kah民間台語書寫ê主流。《台日大辭典》ê編修團隊,利用台灣匯集ê大量語料資源,遵照「漢字為主,假名輔助」ê台語書寫形式,透畫島嶼地域ê傳統語詞、革新語詞kah語言湠生ê風土民情,包括書句俗語kah詞條圖像ê建構、日語借詞ê移徙kah翻譯,替台灣建構傳統kah現代交濫ê文化智識體系。本文試kā chit套智識體系khǹg tī符號kah權力ê結構中來觀察,tī民間對台語假名kah漢字有無仝論調ê情境下,《台日大辭典》透過官方威信累積ê象徵性資本,用感覺bē-tio̍h ê象徵性權力建構一種特定ê論述,來kah民間溝通hām互動。最後,雖然有成功支配台語假名ê結構關係,soah無法度順勢改變台語漢字ê慣性結構。雖罔是án-ne,《台日大辭典》mā已經成做一種「典範」,替日治kah戰後ê台語學界建立參照ê範例kah基礎。


On the one hand, the first minister of academic affairs of Taiwan Governor's Office, Izawa Shuji, based on his attitude of "supporting Sinograph", on the other hand, considering the educational functions of Sinograph in "Japanese" and "Taiwanese", formulated a Taiwanese writing model of "Sinograph predominantly, supplemented by Kana", which became the mainstream of official and folk writing. The editing team of the Taiwanese-Japanese Dictionary (1931) made full use of a large amount of written or spoken materials gathered from Taiwan, and followed the form of "Sinograph and predominantly, supplemented by Kana" to depict the traditional words, innovative words and local customs derived from language of the island, including the construction of idioms and vocabulary images, the transplantation and translation of Japanese loanwords, constructed a traditional and modern cultural knowledge system for Taiwan. This article attempts to observe this set of knowledge in the structure of symbols and power. Facing the situation that the folks held a pluralistic view on Taiwanese writing model of Kana and Sinograph, the Taiwanese-Japanese Dictionary used the symbolic capital accumulated by official prestige to release discourse with imperceptible symbolic power to communicate and interact with the people. In the end, although the structural relationship of Taiwanese Kana was successfully controlled, it failed to reverse the inertial structure of Taiwanese Sinograph. However, the Taiwanese-Japanese Dictionary has become a "paradigm", establishing a reference model and basis for the linguistic community during the Japanese rule and after the war.


Foucault, M., A. M. Sherigan Smith. (Trans). 1994. The archaeology of knowledge. London: Tavistock.
