  • 期刊


Method of Test for Hydroxytyrosol for Foods in Capsule and Tablet Form


羥基酪醇(hydroxytyrosol)為存在於油橄欖的枝葉及果實中之多酚類化合物,具有強抗氧化活性,近年來歐美已認可羥基酪醇作為食品原料使用。衛生福利部108年3月公告之「食用原料油橄欖果實渣萃取物(含羥基酪醇)之使用限制及其標示」,對羥基酪醇訂有每日食用限量(20 mg以下)。本研究配合行政管理之施行,以高效液相層析儀搭配光二極體陣列檢出器建立膠囊與錠狀食品中羥基酪醇之檢驗方法。檢體以0.05 M醋酸鈉溶液(pH 5)均勻分散,以超音波振盪萃取20分鐘,經離心過濾後,以ZORBAX Eclipse Plus C18管柱(5 μm, 4.6 mm × 25 cm),配合光二極體陣列檢出器於波長280 nm進行檢測。以不含橄欖萃取物之市售錠狀產品基質添加羥基酪醇0.05及2.5 mg/g,同日間平均回收率分別為104.7及102.6%,變異係數為1.6及1.2%,異日間平均回收率分別為104.6及103.4%,變異係數為1.7及1.2%,顯示方法之準確度及精密度均符合確效規範。以本方法進行7件膠囊錠狀食品之羥基酪醇含量調查,有1件未檢出,其餘6件含量為0.07-2.88 mg/g,依產品包裝標示計算羥基酪醇之每日食用量為0.1-2.9 mg,均未超出每日食用限量。本方法已研提為建議檢驗方法供各界參考使用,以利後市場保健食品品質監測及維護消費者之健康與權益。


Hydroxytyrosol is a phenolic compound presenting in the leaves and fruits of olive trees (Olea europaea L.) and it has strong antioxidant activity. In recent years, Europe and the United States have recognized the use of hydroxytyrosol as a food ingredient. Furthermore, hydroxytyrosol extracted from olive pomace has a daily consumption limit (below 20 mg) in the available food list of the Food and Drug Administration. In this study, we coordinate the implementation of administrative management to establish the analytical method for hydroxytyrosol in capsule and tablet functional foods by high performance liquid chromatography. The sample was uniformly dispersed with 0.05 M sodium acetate buffer (pH 5) by ultrasonication for 20 min. After centrifuged and filtrated, the filtrate was separated by a ZORBAX Eclipse Plus C18 column (5 μm, 4.6 × 25 cm) and detected at the wavelength of 280 nm. The average recoveries of hydroxytyrosol at 0.05 and 2.5 mg/g in intra-day were 104.7 and 102.6%, and the coefficients of variation were 1.6 and 1.2%, respectively. The average recoveries of hydroxytyrosol at 0.05 and 2.5 mg/g in inter-day were 104.6 and 103.4%, and the coefficients of variation were 1.7 and 1.2%, respectively. The results showed that the method had high precision and accuracy. The contents of hydroxytyrosol in the six of seven online shopping samples were 0.07-2.88 mg/g, except one not detectable. And none of them violet the regulation for hydroxytyrosol daily recommended consumption limit (not exceed 20 mg per day).