  • 期刊


Content Analysis of Theses and Dissertations on Sport Tourism in Taiwan




運動觀光 內容分析


The purpose of this study was to investigate the quantitative distributions of theses and dissertations, such as chronological distribution, study topics, participant background variables and studies, and statistical methods currently available in Taiwan. Thus, this study adopted a content analysis method and searched theses and dissertations published between 2002 and 2012 from the National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan by using the keyword sport tourism. A total of 34 accessible electronic and hardcopy papers were studied using the content analysis method. Results showed that chronologically, the paper quantities steadily increased since 2007 and reached a peak in 2010. Most papers concerned tournament satisfaction. The research participants were mostly young adult men with a college background. Regarding research methods applied, more researchers used surveys than those who conducted interviews. Regarding statistical methods, descriptive statistical analysis was used for approximately 90% of the studies, followed by common statistical methods such as single factor analysis of variance, factor analysis, and independent samples t test. This study focused only on the content analysis of theses and dissertations on sport tourism in Taiwan; thus, future researchers are recommended to incorporate domestic academic journals for meta-analysis and thoroughly understand the overall features of sport tourism in domestic academic development.


sport tourism content analysis
