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Transformational Justice in Taiwanese Radio Broadcasting-A Case Study of the BCC


中國廣播公司以黨營事業長期獨霸臺灣廣播天空,擔負「遏制匪波」政治任務的同時,在解嚴前與老三臺並列黨國意識形態再生產重要工具。本文追溯中廣1945 年接收「臺灣放送協會」大筆土地資產,獲配大量廣播頻率,逐步架構全臺廣播網的歷史過程,並詳細說明2000 年第一次政黨輪替之後,交通部、新聞局與後來成立的國家通訊傳播委員會(NCC)等與中廣業務相關的幾個政府主管機構,面對中廣議題的相關處置。其中,尤以掌握電波頻率核配、廣播電臺執照核發權力的NCC角色最為關鍵。由於當年接收日產事實明確,中廣歷來總是被與國民黨的「不當黨產」連結,在《政黨及其附隨組織不當取得財產處理條例》已經通過,臺灣社會「轉型正義」工程即將啟動之際,確實掌握事情的來龍去脈,將有助於指出未來處理中廣問題的方向與機會。


The Broadcasting Cooperation of China (BCC), a subsidiary organization of the ruling party, the Kuo Min Tang (KMT), for several decades dominated radio broadcasting in Taiwan. During Taiwan’s martial law period the BCC worked together with three wireless TV stations (TTV, CTV and CTS) to reproduce loyalty to the KMT and Chinese patriotism while simultaneously carrying out a mission of "blocking enemy radio waves." This thesis traces how the BCC received extensive land assets originally belonging to the "Taiwan Broadcasting Association" when these assets were transferred from the Japanese colonial government in 1945. Additionally, this paper presents how the BCC obtained control of numerous radio frequencies and gradually built a broadcasting network covering the whole of Taiwan. This thesis also details how the relevant government departments dealt with the BCC issue following Taiwan’s first democratic transfer of power in 2000. Particularly, the role of the NCC is highlighted, this being the organization responsible for radio frequency distribution and the issue of broadcasting licenses. The historical facts of the BCC having occupied public assets are crystal clear, and certain BCC assets were obtained as "improper property" of the KMT. With the successful passage into law of "The Regulation on the Disposal of Property Improperly Obtained via the Party and its Affiliated Organizations," Taiwanese society is about to embark on its "transformational justice" project. A full understanding of the detailed circumstances surrounding this issue will help identify an optimal direction for society in reaching a resolution and will improve future prospects for dealing with issues related to the BCC.


范正祥、劉力仁、陳尹宗(2011 年1 月1 日)。〈不服NCC 換照添加附款中廣訴願成功〉,《自由時報》。取自http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/politics/paper/456679
