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Science Communication: Knowledge Dissemination or Public Engagement?




This essay discusses models of science communication. It concludes that while public trust in science and the relationship between science and society are important, the core function of science is creation and provision of knowledge and hence this should be prioritized in the public communication of science. The turn from "public understanding of science" to "public engagement with science and technology" as an attempt to address the crisis of trust has shifted attention from communication of knowledge towards communication aiming at improving the relation of science and society. In practice, the implementation of the public engagement paradigm often trivialized its original democratic pretensions. Creating enjoyable experiences for members of the public seems to be the primary goal, while the business of science is shielded from substantial public participation and public engagement "playgrounds" are created instead. With respect to communication related to knowledge, I acknowledge the potential of co-construction of knowledge through discourses that include both scientists and non-scientists but still argue that plain dissemination of knowledge remains an important function of science communication. To avoid the pitfalls of the so-called deficit model I propose "non-paternalistic knowledge communication" as a model suited to democratic societies. Empirical data about trust in science and scientists' attitudes towards public participation in Taiwan, the United States and Germany illustrates some of the issues regarding trust and participation.


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