  • 期刊


Are You Happy? A Study on the Application of Situated Learning Theory to Create Gamification Happiest City Simulation System


近年來由於環保概念不斷延伸,而人類對於環境與資源的永無止境消耗與浪費,已成為危害地球環境的主角之一。因此;永續環境教育之目的在於培養人們對於環境正確的認知、態度、價值觀,並且努力透過各種方式解決環境問題之際,建立人與環境正確的相處之道。為了地球能夠永續發展,永續環境教育的概念顯得更為重要。因此,本研究藉由ODEC 美好生活(幸福城市)十一大指標,逐步評估並建構出一具有永續環境教育之幸福模擬城市。本研究運用模糊德爾非法(FDM)擷取專家意見的共識決,進一步提出「模糊VIKOR」決策評估技術,來改善傳統決策評估系統使用明確比對的方式,便可決策評估出所適合之方案。最後並以Unity3D 開發一套3D 虛擬實境的模擬幸福城市的決策系統,此系統將可有效決策評估適合方案,更進一步地結合3D 虛擬實境技術將可融合虛擬與真實環境,並完整呈現幸福城市模擬決策評估系統。系統實驗評估採用VIKOR 最佳化妥協解方法 (Compromise Programming),與TOPSIS 法 (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution)逼近理想解排序法及簡單加權法simple additive weight(SAW)來進行模擬評估比較測試。結果呈現;本研究所提之模擬評估系統方法與其他兩種方法的前三名排序是一致,研究結果證實; 本研究所提的模糊德爾非法(FDM)結合VIKOR 所呈現的研究流程是嚴謹且具有效能的一致性。


Because of the extending concept of environmental protection in past years as well as the major damage from people's endless consumption and waste of environment and resources to the environment in the earth, sustainable environmental education aims to cultivate people's correct cognition, attitudes, and value about environment and to establish a correct way for people getting along with environment when devoting to solving environmental problems. Sustainable environmental education becomes extremely important for the sustainable development of the earth. For this reason, the 11 topics of ODEC Better Life (Happiest City) Index are applied to evaluate and construct the happiness simulation city with sustainable environmental education. Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) is applied in this study to extract the consensus decision of experts, and the decision making technique of "Fuzzy VIKOR" is further proposed to improve the exact match in traditional decision making systems so as to evaluate the suitable program. Finally, Unity3D is used for developing a 3D virtual reality decision making system for the happiness simulation city to effectively evaluate the suitable program. Furthermore, virtual and real environments are combined to completely present the decision making system for the happiness simulation city. VIKOR Compromise Programming, the TOPSIS method (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution), and Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) are utilizing for the evaluation and test. The result reveals that the proposed simulation system appears consistent top three rankings with the other two methods. It proves the strictness and the consistent efficacy of the proposed research process combing Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) with VIKOR.


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