

The Great Recession of 2007 has impacted businesses, the government and the nonprofit sector. Nonprofit leisure service organizations make up a significant portion of the industry providing leisure and recreation to citizens worldwide. This research project outlines a survey distributed to CEOs of nonprofit organizations in various geographical areas of the United Stated in 2009, 2010 and 2011. The results reveal trends in management decisions in the areas of personnel, benefits, service delivery and other activities as a result of challenging economic times. The information collected from this study may be used to develop strategies for coping with challenging economic times and future recessions. Executive directors need to seriously consider not only the financial impacts of the recent recession but also the actions being taken for survival purposes, as well as future operational procedures. The leisure services industry is tasked with improving the human condition. Understanding all sectors of the industry and how they support one another and collaborate is essential to accomplishing this great task.


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Blackwood, A., Wing, K., & Pollak, T. (2008). The nonprofit sector in brief. Washington, D.C.: The Urban Institute Press.
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Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines. (2012). Survey of Nonprofits and the Economy. Des Moines, IA: Community Foundation.
Cryer, S. (2008). The nonprofit career guide: How to land a job that makes a difference. St. Paul, MN: Fieldstone Alliance.


