  • 期刊


Comparative Study of Carbon Footprints of Coffee Bean and Drip Coffee by Life Cycle Assessment


本研究之研究架構係依據ISO/TS 14067標準與環保署所編指引,探討咖啡豆與濾泡式咖啡進行碳足跡評估之必要原則與方法,並分別獲致碳足跡評估結果。本研究以一家實際的咖啡烘焙館為個案,並選擇個案咖啡烘焙館最受歡迎的耶加雪夫咖啡為標的產品,亦即選擇耶加雪夫咖啡豆與耶加雪夫濾泡式咖啡進行碳足跡評估。進行碳足跡評估時,在系統邊界上是屬於「搖籃到墳墓」模式,其碳足跡量化包含該產品生命週期之原料取得、製造、配送銷售、使用、及廢棄處理等階段,功能單位皆為「沖調一杯耶加雪夫咖啡」。本研究結果顯示,個案咖啡烘焙館所生產的耶加雪夫咖啡豆與耶加雪夫濾泡式咖啡每功能單位之碳足跡分別為0.10353公斤CO_2e與0.08914公斤CO_2e,也就是耶加雪夫濾泡式咖啡之碳足跡低於耶加雪夫咖啡豆之碳足跡。


This study proposes a research structure that the standards of ISO/TS 14067 and the carbon footprint (CF) guide of Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) are used to investigate the required principles and methods to assess CF of coffee bean and drip coffee. Based on the relevant standards, the CFs of coffee bean and drip coffee are gained. A real coffee shop is used as a case study and the most popular coffee type (i.e., Yirgacheffe coffee) in the shop is chosen as target product to assess the CFs of coffee bean and drip coffee. The system boundary is "cradle to grave", that is, the CF quantification shall include the life cycle of the products from raw material acquisition through production, distribution, use, and end-of-life treatment, which could include recycling or disposal. The functional unit is "making a cup of Yirgacheffe coffee". The results of the study show that the CFs of coffee bean and drip coffee are 0.10353 Kg CO_2e per cup and 0.08914 Kg CO_2e per cup, respectively, that is, the CF of drip coffee is lower than the CF of coffee bean.
