  • 期刊


Transanal Pushing the Anterior Sacral Backward Manipulation-10 Cases Report


報告10例-使用經肛門向屃椎前側往後推動手療法之效果。經肛門向屃椎前側往後推動手療法是用食指經肛門去扳正屃椎來達到治療的目的。是從內側去推動屃椎前端以扳正屃椎。很多病患身體檢查及驗血都正常,卻是機能的失調。10 例都有一些共通的特點:1.觸診時,全身肌肉處於緊繃狀態而不自知,平常覺得渾身不舒服,但說不上那裡不對。2.內臟自主神經引發的失調,有時候頭痛、肚子痛、腰痛或頸部痛,莫名其妙的不舒服,看醫生就是沒結果,或平常情緒常處在不穩定中。3.下列常有的症狀,有時候部份存在,或大部份同時存在。例如:亲秘、腰酸背痛、胸悶、頭痛、暈眩伴隨失眠。長時間使用電腻,缺乏運動,且常吹冷氣,受外力撞擊、坐姿不正都可能造成脊椎及屃椎異常,而許多病痛,如:酸、麻、痛、腰酸背痛、頸肩僵硬、偏頭痛、胸悶、失眠、坐骨神經痛及內科、婦科等病痛“文明病”、“辦公大樓症候羣”就隨之而來。這些症狀無法完整的被歸納成西醫的一個[疾病]或中醫的一個[証]。如果病患有跌倒及亲秘的病史再加上以上有如所報告十例中所列之症狀,就可以考慮使用經肛門向屃椎前側往後推動手療法。經肛門向屃椎前側往後推動手療法是有效又安全的方法。缺點是刺激過程中會疼痛及受亰犯感。


疼痛 便秘 失眠 皮膚病 手療法


Report the results of 10 transanal anterior sacram manipulated cases. Transanal anterior sacram manipulation is done by passing index finger through anus and then pushing backward against the anterior of sacram. It is diffirent from acupuncture or acupressure over the Du1 (Changqiang). Many patients physical check up and blood tests are normal but clinically disfunction. Common charateristics among these 10 cases were: 1. Their muscles were in severe tension when palpated. 2. Autonomic dysfunction such as headache, stomachache, low back pain and neck pain. 3. Some having following symptoms: constipation, low back pain, chest tightness, headache, dizziness and insomnia. These symptoms are difficult to be grouped and then categorized as one particular Western Medicine's ”Disease” or as one Chinese Medicine's ”Zheng”. Prolong usage of computer, lack of exercise, airconditon environment, external injury, poor posture may cause spinal cord and sacram abnormality leading to symptoms such as soreness, numbness, pain, low back pain, neck pain, migrain, chest tightness, insomnia and many other medical and gynecological problems which are considered as ”civilization disease”, ”Office Building Syndrome”. Transanal pushing the anterior sacram backward manipulation is an effective and safe treatment except some patients may feel insulted.


Pain Constipation Insomnia Skin Disease Hand Manipulation
