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An Analysis of Formalist Art Criticism


形式主義之藝術批評理念與方法頗適合用於現代主義之藝術,而且經由修正後之形式主義對於前現代、後現代與非西方之藝術亦能提供頗有價值之批評依據。此外形式主義藝術批評原理一直受到藝術教育所重視,且因形式主義藝術批評與後現代藝術批評有相當之對比性,故對前者之認識亦有助於對後者之理解與學習。因此形式主義藝術批評之探討有其重要性與必要性。 形式主義藝術批評之相關文獻皆各有側重之範圍,對於意義、理念與實務、以及其修正等進行較整體與統整的分析者似乎較少。因此,本文擬以理論分析方法,首先探究形式與形式主義的意義,包括形式與內容之關係;其次,闡釋形式主義之藝術批評理念與實務;其三,藝術教育中使用的形式主義藝術批評模式與修正;最後於結論中省思形式主義藝術批評之一些相關問題。


形式 內容 形式主義 藝術批評 藝術教育


The idea and method of formalist art criticism are quite suitable for modern art. With some modifications, formalism can also provide valuable framework for criticism on pre-modern, postmodern, and non-western art. In addition, the principles of formalist art criticism are highly valued in the field of art education. Because there is much contrast between formalist art criticism and postmodern art criticism, the knowledge of the former is helpful to understand and learn the latter. The importance and necessity of studying formalist art criticism seem obvious. Most of the existing literature or articles of formalist art criticism usually focus on certain aspects of related issues, and more holistic and integrated analysis of the meaning, ideas and practice, as well as modification is few. Therefore, through theoretical analysis, this article first attempts to describe the meaning of form and formalism, including the relationship between form and content; second, to interpret the ideas and practice of formalist art criticism; third, to discuss the mode of formalist art criticism used in art education and its modification; and finally, in the conclusion, to reflect on related problems in formalist art criticism.


form content formalism art criticism art education
