  • 期刊


Effects of Individual Constraints in Explosive Force of Lower Limbs on Hopping Pattern of Later Childhood


單足跳屬於基本移動性動作,為評估兒童動作發展的重要項目之一。下肢肌群爆發力與兒童移動性動作的執行有密切的相關,爆發力的發展在6歲之後開始。晚期兒童在人類動作發展歷程具有承先啓後的關鍵意義。本研究透過立定跳遠測驗歸類出不同下肢肌群爆發力程度所造成的個體限制效應之12歲晚期男童24人(平均年齡12.1歲),經由攝影機拍攝單足跳動作,並利用Peak Performance動作分析系統進行運動學參數分析,探討包括支撐腿與擺動腿動作各階段時相的分配、體、膝與踝關節角度變化以及推蹬動作時宜順序等參數。所得結果分別以描述統計、單因子變異數分析與雙因子變異數進行比較(α=.05),並從動作行為學的角度加以分析。結果發現:(一)不同程度的下肢肌群爆發力之12歲晚期男童,在執行單足跳動作時的協調架構皆已發展成熟;(二)不同程度的下肢肌群爆發力之12歲晚期男童執行單足跳過程中,其動作強度與幅度等屬於動作控制之項目存在著差異。


個體限制 單足跳 運動學 協調 控制


Hopping belonged to human fundamental locomotive movements, and it was one of the critical assessments of motor development. The explosive force of lower limbs was related to locomotive movements. Later childhood played an important role to the process of human motor development. This study based on biomechanical approach aims at exploring individual constraints on mechanisms of movement coordination and control during 12 children's (M age=12.1±0.2) hopping. Peak Performance 2D Motion Analysis System was used to acquire the data of kinematics, including the timing sequence and distribution of critical phases, and the character of joint angles during hopping. Data of trials were analyzed using percentage descriptive statistics, One-way ANOVA and Two-way ANOVA (α=.05). The kinematics analyses revealed that: 1. The coordination mechanism was developed steadily between 12 years children from different levels of lower limbs’ explosive force. 2. The control mechanism had differences between 12 years children from different levels of lower limbs’ explosive force.


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