  • 會議論文


Study on the Concept of Adult Good Death-Taking Parents of Students in an Elementary School in Taipei County as an Example


本研究旨在瞭解研究對象的善終概念,以台北縣某國小學生家長爲研究對象,採用簡單隨機抽樣,以班級爲單位,抽出677人爲樣本,運用自編的成人善終概念量表做爲調查工具。 結果顯示研究對象的善終概念受個人生命發展、傳統善終概念及現代醫療善終的影響,共有24項,歸類爲「內在期待」、「身心自在」、「壽終正寢」、「免除痛苦」4個因素。其中「內在期待」層面分爲家人安頓及個人安頓兩部分:「身心自在」層面顯示身體與心理的安適對研究對象同等重要;「壽終正寢」層面受到台灣民間習俗的影響;「免除痛苦」層面顯示研究對象期望縮短臨終身體所受的痛苦。最後,根據討論與結論提出建立以善終爲核心概念的生命教育課程。


生命教育 成人 善終 善終概念


The main purpose of this study is to understand the concept of good death of subjects. The subjects were the parents of students in an elementary school in Taipei County. This study used the classes in the school as a unit and chose 847 parents of students as subjects based on simple random sampling. A self-edited scale for the concept of adult good death was used as the research tool. The results indicated that the concept of good death of the subjects was influenced by their life development, traditional concept of good death, and modem medical concept of good death. There were 24 items in the scale and these items could be divided into four aspects: ”inward expectation,” ”physical and mental comfort,” ”dying in one's bed,” and ”avoidance of pain.” Among which, the ”inward expectation” could be subdivided into two parts: to settle down one's family and to settle down oneself. The aspect of ”physical and mental comfort” indicated that the physical comfort and mental comfort were of equal importance. The aspect of ”dying in one's bed” was influenced by the folk customs of Taiwan. The aspect of ”avoidance of pain” indicated that research subjects hoped to curtail the span of their physical pain before death. Lastly, this study proposed a suggestion based on the discussions and conclusions: it is necessary to construct a life education course in which the core concept is based on good death.


