  • 期刊


The Component Analysis of Chinese Remote Associates Test in Linear Logistic Latent Trait Model


創造力係指個體為了特殊需要或有用之目的,將可連結要素加以結合成為新關係的能力。據此,遠距聯想測驗(Remote Associates Test, RAT)透過要求受測者想出一個能與三個刺激字(如:same、head、tennis)連結的目標字(如:match),藉以測量個體創造力。國內學者依此援引為適合華人使用之版本,是為中文遠距聯想測驗(Chinese Remote Associates Test, CRAT)。然而,編製中文遠距聯想試題看似簡單,卻因中文字詞屬性複雜,而有許多值得探究之處,惟過往研究多由控制干擾變項的觀點編製試題,且單次控制變項至多兩種,難以瞭解各種試題成分對於試題難度之影響。是此,本研究操弄目標字讀音、由刺激字聯想目標字的方向、刺激字與目標字組成的詞彙出現頻率、可與刺激字組成合法雙字詞之數目等四種試題成分,編製30道中文遠距聯想試題,蒐集194名大學生作答資訊,採用線性對數潛在特質模式探討試題成分對於試題難度之影響。結果顯示目標字為破音字、聯想方向為逆向、組成詞彙出現頻率愈低、可連接字數愈高皆會提升試題難度,並以聯想方向所造成的影響程度最高。此結果提供往後研究者在試題編製的參考,以期藉此提高中文遠距聯想測驗測量個體創造力之效度。


Creative thinking is defined as the ability that forming associative elements into a new use for specific purpose. Based on the idea, Remote Associates Test (RAT) measures creativity by the task of finding a target word (e.g. match) that associates to three stimuli words (e.g. same, head, tennis). In Taiwan, RAT was developed into Chinese Remote Associates Test (CRAT) for Chinese users. It seems simple to design one, whereas the attributions of Chinese characters are complicated. Previous researches designed CRAT by controlling only one or two confounding variables, therefore, the relation of item components and item difficulty remains blur. To address this issue, present study aims to develop 30 items of CRAT by four item components, the pronunciation of target Chinese character, the direction of linking stimuli characters to target, the using frequency of target and stimuli combination, and the amounts of valid compounds (two characters phrases). 194 undergraduates were invited to be our participants. We used Linear Logistic Latent Trait Model to analyze the effect of item components on item difficulty. Results show that item difficulty increased in the conditions when target characters were homophones, when direction of associating was reverse, and when there were plenty characters associated to target character.


