  • 期刊


The Idea, Practice, Analysis and System Implementation of Network Teacher Evaluation System in Chienkuo Technology University


建國科技大學(以下簡稱本校)為提升教學、研究、輔導及服務之品質與教育水準,落實三力(學力、實力、願力)治學之道,追求活力、優質與傑出發展;並作為專任教師升等、續聘、停聘、不續聘及獎勵或輔導改善之重要參考依據,於97學年度制定教師評鑑,經多次討論及嚴密的檢驗過程,建構出適合本校的教師評鑑指標系統。 教師評鑑項目包括:教學績效、研究與產學合作績效、服務與輔導績效及教師專業成長績效四大部分,總計189個細項指標。從本校97學年度教師評鑑結果分析,教學績效指標、教師專業成長績效指標各院系差異較小,其中原因與本校設定教學型大學有密切關係,教師教學時建立和諧師生關係,重視學生個別的反應與需求,積極關懷激勵學生,增進教學與學習的效果所致。 各院系各自努力耕耘研究與產學合作績效指標後,差異比較顯著,尤其自動化系平均特別好、成效最佳,值得其他系教師學習的對象,土木系、機械系、空設系、數媒系表現亦非常好。服務與輔導績效指標美容系與商設系表現較為突出,因為美容系與商設系的教師有比較多的機會指導學生參加國內、外及校內、外競賽得獎。 教師評鑑確實給教師帶來衝擊,也給教師帶來奮鬥目標,教師依教師評鑑指標內容找出自己較易上手的指標,且教師評鑑已成校務政策,教師應積極面對,努力衝刺,盡力取得好成績。


In order for Chienkuo Technology University(CTU) to improve the quality of teaching, research, counseling and services, we focus on three efforts(the effort of studying, strength, and willingness) and pursue vitality, quality, excellence and outstanding performances; moreover, we setup important referential indexes for teacher’s teaching, research, counseling and services as a main referential index of upgrades, reappointment, long-term employment , stop working, no reappointment, and reword for the improvement of all full time teachers of CTU. Chienkuo Technology University (CTU) through numerous discussions and strict examinations had set up a teacher's evaluation system to construct a teacher evaluation index system that is adapted for itself. The content of teacher evaluation include 4 main aspects of performance of teaching, research with industrial cooperation, service with counseling, and teacher's professional growth. From the result of teacher evaluation analysis of the year of 2008 we found that among 4 main evaluation indexes, the results of teaching index and teacher's professional growth had the slightest difference in every college. This is because we are set to be a teaching university, having harmonica relationship of teachers and students, emphasizing individual student's response and requirement, aggressively caring and encouraging students, and improving the outcome of teaching and learning. The index of research with industrial cooperation has significant difference among colleges after the hard work of each college, especially for the department of Automation Engineering. The department of Civil Engineering, the department of Mechanical Engineering, the department of Space Design, and the department of digital media design also had very good performances. The department of Styling Cosmetology and the department of Commercial Design had better performance in the index of service with counseling because they have more opportunities to instruct students to attend domestic and international competitions. The teacher's evaluation system not only brought a big impact to our teachers, but also gave them the goal to work in the future. Teachers usually check the evaluation items first and then find the items that are easy for them to achieve. The school has put this teacher evaluation system in academic policy. Therefore, teachers all need to face it with a positive attitude and work hard to succeed.


