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The Study of the Life Course: Atypical Workers in the Middle Age




Middle-aged atypical workers (Atypical Workers in Middle Age, AWMA) are increasing, in order to explore their life course and challenges around the political and economic environment. We concerned about three topics. Firstly, we wanted to know the various and insecure challenges for AWMA in their life course. Secondly, we wanted to understand the strategies they used when facing challenges. Eight respondents in our research were arranged through purposive sampling methods. We collected personal life experiences of AWMA by in-depth interviewing during two years from 2010 to 2011. At last, through the result of the research, we wanted to propose atypical employment policy for AWMA. Research recommendations are as follows: 1.Labor policy and social security policy should be more closely linked, including financial assistance and other services. 2. Employment and security service plans should connect with community resources in order to cope with resource and social network crises from the interpersonal and environmental aspects of life. 3. When formulating service plan and supply, the needs, willingness and life course of different employed people should be considered.


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