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Exercise Intensity and Effect Assessment of Stair Climbing Simulator Training


本研究目的為瞭解爬梯訓練機之運動強度能否具有增進體能之效果。研究對象為14名無固定運動習慣的男性學生(平均年齡24.07±.56歲、身高172.07±2.10公分、體重70.43±3.39公斤),依照八週運動處方進行爬梯體能訓練。實驗期間以75度主動模式進行訓練,並以最大攝氧量(VO2 max)、耗竭時間、代謝當量(MET)與運動強度自覺量表(RPE)評估訓練效果。以單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)考驗四項指標前測、中測與後測差異情形,顯著水準定為α=.05。結果發現:耗竭時間、運動強度自覺量表顯著提升,且四週訓練即可看出效果。最大攝氧量數值沒有顯著進步,代表爬梯訓練對促進心肺耐力不具成效。結論:爬梯訓練機的代謝當量為8.59屬中高強度運動,而耗竭時間增加表示運動能力與肌耐力的進步。


The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the stair climbing simulator of exercise intensities could promote the effect on fitness level. The participants were 14 male students (age 24.07±.56 yrs.、height 172.07±2.10cm、body weight 70.43±3.39kg) without sports training experiences. The stair climbing simulator training was run in an 8-week exercise prescription. The participants were trained in a 75 degree initiative mode then their VO2 max, exhaust time, MET, and RPE were assessed. The one-way ANOVA was used to examine the four index's differences among pre-training, mid-training, and post-training at .05 α level. The results indicated that exhaust time and RPE showed significant improvement after 4-week training. The insignificant improvement was found on VO2 max, which represents the stair climbing training did not have effect on cardiorespiratory endurance. In conclusion, the MET of stair climbing simulator is 8.59 indicating it is a high intensity exercise. The increasing exhaust time represents improvement of movement ability and strength.
