  • 期刊


Research of the Cultural Creativity Industrial Policy in Taiwan


在快速工業化與都市化的發展過程中,台灣地方傳統產業與初級產業面臨前所未有的困境,在面臨全球化浪潮的席捲下,正步入全球均質的危機當中,若無法建構屬於台灣特色,以作為全球化下識別的符碼,台灣的國際競爭力前景堪虞。隨著開發中國家的快速崛起,單憑製造及低廉生產成本的競爭已面臨瓶頸,因此,台灣於91年開始推動文化創意產業,將「創意台灣」(Creative Taiwan)規劃為未來施政的目標與願景,將文化、藝術及設計等相關產業,原分屬不同專業的行業,統籌在「創意產業」的概念下,並納入國家發展的重點計畫。我們期待看見文化創造力與可長可久的能量,不只是經濟提升的遠景而己,更需要建立一個豐厚可居、優質富禮的文化公民社會。本研究從台灣文化創意的發展歷程、定義、範疇、執行情形等層間切入,對於政策作一全面性的審視,並就文化創意產業在國際上的角色地位及範疇探討,檢視文化產業發展的矛盾與困境並發掘問題,旨在暸解台灣文化創意產業發展歷程及衍生問題,以建立其論述理論及價值,作為各界推動、研究參考。


文化 創意 產業


In the development course of fast industrialization and urbanization, the local tradition al industry and elementary industry of Taiwan are facing the unprecedented predicament. Under the sweeping across of globalization tide, we are stepping into being the crisis quality country of the whole world. The international competitiveness of Taiwan has slim prospect of success if we unable to build and construct the characteristic of Taiwan to be the notation as globalization. With the fast emergence of developing countries, only according to make use of the competition of manufacturing and provide cheaper production cost has been faced the bottleneck. Taiwan began to promote the cultural creativity industry in 2002. The government took the ”Creative Taiwan” to be the administrative goal and vision, and correlated with culture, art and designing, etc, which was belonging to the different professional fields in the industry, and also had an overall plan to take them under the concept of ”Creativity Industry” and included them in the key policy of national development. We expect to see the creative of culture and it 's permanent energy, not only being the vision of growing up the economy, but also building up a rich and high-quality society of cultural citizen. This study is cut from aspects, such as development course, definition, category, situation of carrying out of the cultural creativity in Taiwan, etc. Having a comprehensive close examination to the policy and discussing the role and category in the world of the cultural creativity industry, and inspect development contradiction and predicament of cultural industry and al so excavating the question simultaneously. The main motive of this research is to understand the development course and question of cultural creativity industry in Taiwan Establishing it's theory and value to take for the promote and study for all circle.


薛國偉(2008)。創新行為與品牌行銷策略對其經營績效影響之研究 以 文化創意產業之表演與出版創作組織為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2008.00148
