  • 期刊


Review Maker Movement and Education From Sociology of Scientific Knowledge


「自造者運動」(Maker movement)在近二十年來獲得了全世界的關注,成千上萬的孩子、大人和家庭,因為這個運動所帶來令人興奮的新技術,專家營銷和強大口碑的特徵而被吸引。自造者文化也成為表達創意和社區動力的一種方式,這種風行,也帶動了包括K-12學校和高等教育機構在內,投入一系列的教學環境建置,使得在世界各地的自造者空間爆炸式增長。在不同的社會文化背景下,自然對自造者的概念有很明顯的理念差異,自然也反應在政府的自造者教育推廣政策,讓許多自造者的意見分歧,在自造者教育也形成了多頭馬車。本文嘗試從臺灣目前自造者教育的發展現況,從在媒體上已經發表關於自造者運動及教育的文章、影片作文本分析,以科學知識社會學的理論觀點為架構,從Ludwig Wittengenstein的語言遊戲(language game)與生活形式(form of life),來論述自造者運動發展脈絡與科學實作;從Shapinh和Schaffer著名的“利維坦與空氣汞浦:霍布斯、波以耳與實驗生活”,來企圖解讀與釐清STEM教育與自造者運動的關係。最後以Kuhn在科學革命的結構提到常態科學(normal science)做為總結,探討目前臺灣自造者教育的未來展望。


The maker movement has garnered a lot of recent attention in the popular imagination. Tens of thousands of kids, adults, and families are drawn to the exciting new technologies, expert marketing, and strong word of mouth that characterize this movement. Maker culture has become a way to express creative and communal drive, and this excitement has led to an explosion of makerspaces around the United States (and the world) across a range of instructional environments, including K-12 schools and institutions of higher education. In different social and cultural background, we have a very clear idea of the difference between the concept of "maker", naturally also reflected in the government's policy to promote the "maker", so many makers who have different opinions. This paper attempts to analyze the articles and media from the view of scientific knowledge sociology, which has been published about maker movement. We try to view from Ludwig Wittengenstein's "Language game" and "form of life", the development of maker movement and scientific implementation. From Shapinh and Schaffer's famous "Leviathan and Air Mercury: Hobbes, Boeing and Experimental Life", attempts to interpret and clarify the relationship between STEM education and the self-created movement. Finally, summary with "normal science" of Kuhn's find the core concept of the maker movement, to understand the context and development of maker movement in Taiwan Now.
