  • 期刊


A Study for the Application of Somatic Movement Education: Effects of Developing Soma Awareness for Gymnasts on Recovery of Sport Injury


本研究以台東師院男女體操選手共9名為對象,進行身心動作教育之應用研究,以瞭解身心覺察(soma awareness)的開發對其身體調整、疲勞的消除和運動傷害之改善為主要的目的。身心學(Somaitcs)是一個強調身心合一,重視個人內在經驗的體會和反省,以探索人體身心覺察、生物功能和外在環境這三者間之互動關係為主要的方向。以其理念所設計一系列身心調整之動作教育課程,期能提高選手對自我身體的認知與控制、開發覺察能力、調整身體不良的使用方式,進而減低疲勞、改善運動傷害。本研究採用質性研究的方法來進行,透過各種身心技巧(somatic techniques)的實施,瞭解體操選手接受身心調整與動作教育課程後,對運動傷害的自我調整與改善情形。分別於課程實施的過程中,藉由參與觀察、深度訪談、日誌記錄、回饋、身體自覺記錄表等資料,來瞭解選手接受此課程後,在身心覺知能力的開發、消除疲勞和運動傷害之改善的故果。研究結果發現:身心動作教育課程的實施後,9位體操選手都自覺到身體覺察能力有明顯的增進,對於疲勞的消除、疼痛的減緩,以及身體的放鬆也有很大的幫助,同時選手的成績及表現也獲得進步。但對於長年舊有的運動傷害,無法在短時間內獲得根治的效果,並無明顯的改善。由選手的體會與回饋所得的資料,可以提供運動教練、訓練員、復健師做為另類身體教育、訓練與調整運動傷害的參考。


The main focus of this study is to find the ways for gymnasts to open their soma awareness and gain the better body-mind integration in order to help them recover from their body fatigue and sport injury.Based on the concept of Somatics, this study is to offer somatic movement education program for 9 man and woman gymnasts from National Taitung Teachers College by applying several different somatic techniques in a class setting and individual hands-on work. By applying qualitative research methods, several data were collected during the research process. Following the principle of triangulation in qualitative research, the document analysis constitutes all written materials including the journal (field notes), an observer's field notes, athletes' feedback, athletes' self-evaluation, and the interview with athletes.The result shows those gymnasts' positive feedback about the effect of this somatic movement education course, and it can offer coaches and athletes with an educational viewpoint for training regimes and recovering from the body fatigue and pain, and also provide sport trainers and physical therapists with an alternative viewpoint of prevention and healing methods for sport injury.


林慧敏、劉美珠(2019)。健身新趨勢-身心康適(somatic wellness)概念與發展中華體育季刊33(2),61-72。https://doi.org/10.6223/qcpe.201906_33(2).0002
