  • 期刊


An Inguriry into School Physical Education Policy Evaluation




The purpose of this article is to evaluate school physical education policy. First, theories of school physical education policy are discussed. Second, the substance of education policy evaluation is discussed. Third, the current situations of school physical education policy evaluation are introduced. Last, conclusions and recommendations are made based on the above discussions. The conclusion comprises five parts: the realization of the importance of policy evaluation by the relevant authority of the central government; the establishment of clear indices for school physical education policy evaluation and planning objectives; the construction in a systematic manner; the establishment of responsible agencies; the emphasis on the roles played by stakeholders. Recommendations include five items: to create complete school physical education policy evaluation theories to enhance policy planning and implementation; formulate clear indices for school physical education policy to enhance policy assessment; to strengthen the research, development and evaluation organizational structure to enhance the execution of long-term researches; to utilize the universal functions of stakeholders to enhance the promotion of evaluation results and evaluation preview; to put into place both procedure an result evaluations to enhance the implementation of policy evaluation results.


