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Explore Systems Thinking and Its Application in The Process of Independent Research


2019年新冠肺炎疫情肆虐,防疫行動全球總動員,牽一髮而動全身。Richard Paul(1993)指出,全球政治、經濟、社會、環境議題日趨複雜且以共同的錯綜模式相互作用著,面對這些棘手的挑戰,未來公民須具備以下能力:1.從各種觀點描述複雜性的問題;2.跨學科領域的知識訊息整合;3.運用整合性與批判性思考的能力(The Talloires Network, 2005)。系統思考能協助學生深入分析事件、全面鑑別問題、掌握議題核心,進而有效解決問題,透過系統思考探究複雜性議題不僅能滿足資優生挑戰性課程的需求,亦符合獨立研究以探究為本位的核心要素。系統思考能協助學生發展解決現在與未來社會複雜問題的能力,透過探究真實世界事件來學習其所隱含的概念性知識。而獨立研究較其他教學模式更能提供資優生完整且豐富的學習機會,以真實世界現象作為學習情境脈絡,深入探究研究主題相關系統的本質,進行知識整合。筆者依據Jacob , Gary, Michelle, David(2018)所提出系統思考能力的構念發展為六項檢視獨立研究歷程的指標,分別為:發現問題、搜集訊息、決策人士、設定目標、執行研究、統整反思。此六項指標對應並加以檢核獨立研究歷程的六個階段:界定主題、資料搜集、決定研究設計、執行研究、研究結果分析與成果發表,用以協助學生運用系統思考進行獨立研究。因此本文結合系統思考的整體脈絡性思維與獨立研究精密嚴謹的歷程,引導學生透過高層次思考進行概念整合運用,因應未來世代中日趨複雜的各種挑戰,達致素養導向的全人教育終極目標。


系統思考 獨立研究


Due to COVID-19, the world takes various initiatives to reduce the spread of this pandemic. It is also obvious that the whole world is a closely linked system. Richard Paul (1993) pointed out that globally political, economic, social, and environmental issues are becoming increasingly complex and interacting with each other in a common and intricate pattern. Facing these difficult challenges, future citizens must have the following capabilities: 1. Describing complexity from various perspectives; 2. Integrating knowledge and information across disciplines; 3. Being able to apply integrated and critical thinking (The Talloires Network, 2005). Systems thinking can help students analyze events in depth, identify problems comprehensively, reach the root of the problem, and then effectively solve the problem. We can explore complex issues through systems thinking, and fulfil the needs of gifted students at the same time. Systems thinking can cultivate students' problem solving skills and master the implicit concepts to respond to present or the future social complex issues by exploring real-world events. Compared with other learning models, independent research can provide a comprehensive and rich learning opportunity to gifted students. Students start to learn through using real-world phenomena as learning context, and explore deeply the nature of the system related to the research topic to reach knowledge integration. There are six indicators to examine the process of independent research, that are rooted in the concept of systems thinking by Jacob, Gary, Michelle, & David (2018). They are discovering problems, collecting information, indetifying stakeholders, setting goals, conducting research, and making reflections. These six indicators align with the six stages of independent research that includes defining themes, collecting data, designing research, implementing research, and analyzing results and publishing findings. This article aims at combining systems thinking and the rigorous process of independent research to guide students to achieve high-level thinking. In order to respond to the increasingly complex challenges in future generations, the proposed combination could achieve a literacy-oriented holistic education for gifted students.


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