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Study on Viscosity of Milled Rice Flour in Rice Varieties


為明瞭本省水稻栽培品種在研究白米粉末黏度特性時之適用濃度以及其與米飯食味間之關係,利用33個直鏈澱粉含量不同的水稻品種為材料,其中25個日本型稻、8個印度型稻,分別在第一期作與第二期作於台中區農業改良場進行,調查8%、10%與12%三種米糊濃度下各黏度特性之變化。發現各品種在兩個期作所表現之非溫度性與非比率值之黏度特性,不論單獨期作或兩期作合併分析結果,皆有隨米糊濃度增加而其標準偏差也隨之變大的現象。各黏度特性與米飯食味總評間亦多存在高相關關係,同時第一期作特性與第二期作特性間皆有極顯著或顯著之正相關關係。進行三種米糊濃度黏度特性對米飯食味總評之個別逐步迴歸分析,發現8%米糊濃度之黏度特性對米飯食味變異性之解釋能力最高,為三者中最適於研究黏度特性之米糊濃度。若X代表黏度特性,Y代表米飯食味總評,由8%米糊濃度之逐步迴歸分析結果,較佳之預估方程式在第一期作為Y=-0.0135236GTP - 0.00212285Sb + 1.46143441;在第二期作為Y= - 0.00248203TSb + 0.72292029;而合併兩個期作分析則為Y= - 0.0075986GTP - 0.00083165TSb - 0.00103879Sb - 0.32948631C/H + 1.59015927,其中GTP為尖峰黏度之糊化溫度,TSb為總回升黏度,Sb為回升黏度,C/H為總回升率,對米飯食味總評變異之解釋能力依序為86.51%、85.31%與88.75%。


The suitable paste concentration of viscosity of milled rice powder in cultivars and its relationship with palatability were evaluated. The changes of viscosity characteristics under three rice paste concentrations, including 8%, 10% and 12%, was investigated for 25 Japanica type and 8 Indica type rice varieties in 1st and 2nd crop seasons at Taichung District Agricultural Improvement Station. The results indicated that the standard deviations of viscosity characteristcs which were not temperature values or ratio values increased as the rice paste concentration increased for each variety under two crop seasons individually as well as combined two crop seasons analysis. There are high correlation between each viscosity traits and overall sensory evaluation of cooked rice. Highly positive correlation was also found between characteristics of the 1st and the 2nd crop seasons. The stepwise regression analysis between viscosity traits under three paste concentrations and overall sensory evaluation of cooked rice indicated that the viscosity traits under 8% paste could explain the ratio of cooked rice palatability variation higher than the others. If X represented viscosity trait and Y represented the overall sensory evaluation of cooked rice, the stepwise regression analysis for 8% paste showed that the better estimated regression equation for the 1st crop seasons was Y = -0.0135236GTP-0.00212285Sb+1.46143441. The better estimated regression equation for the 2nd crop seasons was Y= -0.00248203TSb+0.72292029. The better estimated regression equation for pooling of two crop seasons was Y= -0.0075986GTP - 0.00083165TSb - 0.00103879Sb - 0.32948631C/H + 1.59015927, GTP: gelatinization temperature of peak viscosity, TSb: total setback, Sb: setback, C/H: total setback ratio. The R^2 values of regression equation was 0.865, 0.853 and 0.888, respectively.


Pu, C. H. (2011). 水稻半糯基因Du8定位選殖與基因表現之分析 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2011.02106
