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Effects of Seeding Rate on the Wheat Grain Yield and Growth Performance of Weed


小麥在臺灣目前仍多採撒播栽培,栽培上常利用增加播種量以提升產量並抑制雜草生長。為探討小麥不同播種量對小麥產量及雜草相之影響,本研究以小麥‘臺中選2號’為參試材料,以180、240及300 seeds m^(-2)三種播種量進行試驗(換算每公頃播種量分別為90、120及150 kg),並於小麥成熟後進行調查,結果顯示,處理間小麥千粒重無顯著差異,180 seedsm^(-2)播種量之一穗粒數顯著高於其他處理,而單位面積穗數、生質量及產量在240及300seeds m^(-2)播種量處理間無顯著差異,但皆高於180 seeds m^2播種量。在兩年的雜草相調查發現,裡作小麥田區以小葉灰藋及早苗蓼最多,兩者合計佔雜草總乾重88.2~95.9%,每平方公尺雜草總乾重則隨著小麥播種量增加而顯著降低,下降幅度達72.3~74.6%,且小麥產量與雜草乾重呈顯著負相關。綜合上述研究得知,小麥‘臺中選2號’撒播240~300 seeds m^2即可達豐產目標,而300 seeds m^2播種量則有最佳雜草抑制效果。


小麥 播種量 產量 雜草 冬季裡作


Broadcast sowing is the major seeding method of wheat in Taiwan. It is usually to icrease seeding rate and to suppress weed growth so as to reach the high grain yield. This study is to investigate the impact of seeding rate on wheat grain yield and weed growth. The experiment was conducted with one wheat variety Taichung Sel. 2 and three seeding rates (180, 240 and 300 seeds m^(-2), convert to 90, 120 and 150 kg ha^(-1)). The results showed that there was no significant effect on 1000 grains weight under treatment of 180 seeds m^(-2) seeding rate of. The spikes m^(-2), biomass and grain yield were also not significantly different at seeding rate of 240 and 300 seeds m^(-2), but higher than which in 180 seeds m^(-2). Through a 2-years investigation on weed growth showed that the most predominant weed species with the highest density in the field were Polygonum lapathifolium and Chenopodium serotinum and account for 88.2-95.9 %. Weed biomass was decreased 72.3-74.6% with increasing seeding rate and grain yield was significantly negative correlated to dry weight of weed. Therefore, it suggested that the seeding rate giving the highest yield was at 240-300 seeds m^(-2) and 300 seed m^(-2) showed significant weed suppression efficiency.


wheat seeding rate yield weed winter cropping
