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Effect of Tillage Practices on Wheat Yield, Weed Population and Density


為探討不同小麥耕作模式對雜草相及小麥產量之影響,分別於臺中市大雅區與彰化縣大城鄉進行水稻(整地)-小麥(不整地)及水稻(整地)-小麥(低整地)試驗,調查其雜草密度、乾重及最終小麥產量。結果顯示,以雜草數量而言,小葉灰藋為水稻(整地)-小麥(不整地)耕作模式之優勢雜草,水稻(整地)-小麥(低整地)優勢雜草則為看麥娘,以雜草乾重而言,不同栽培模式下皆以小葉灰藋與早苗蓼較高。而在雜草相變化上,低整地可顯著抑制小葉灰藋與早苗蓼密度及生質量,雖然小麥低整地栽培會增加看麥娘密度,但因其生質量低,對小麥後期生長影響較小。不同耕作模式下小麥產量調查顯示,2015年臺中大雅與彰化大城裡作小麥低整地栽培,其每公頃產量分別高於不整地605 kg與517 kg,2016年則分別高於不整地263 kg與582 kg,主要差異為小麥低整地栽培之單位面積穗數與一穗粒數較不整地栽培高所致。


小麥 耕作模式 雜草相 產量


This study is to investigate the impact of tillage on weed population, density and wheat yield. A 2-year (2015-2016 to 2016-2017) field trials in Daya of Taichung and Dacheng of Changhua were conducted to evaluate the effect of two tillage practices, conventional tillage (CT) in rice with zero tillage (ZT) in wheat and conventional tillage (CT) in rice with reduced tillage (RT) in wheat, on weed density, wheat dry weight and yield. The results showed that small goosefoot (Chenopodium serotinum) weed was dominant in CT-ZT tillage, equal alopecurus (Alopecurus aequalis) was the dominant weed in CT-RT tillage in terms of weed density. The goosefoot and dockleaf knotweed (Polygonum lapathifolium) were the dominant weeds in CT-RT and CT-ZT tillage when measuring weed dry weight. In terms of weed population changes, CT-RT significantly reduced the population density of small goosefoot and dockleaf knotweed. Because of the low biomass of equal alopecurus, it has slight influence on the later growth of wheat despite CT-RT tillage increased the weed density. Our results indicated that wheat yield was higher in RT (605 and 517 kg ha^(-1)) in 2015 and (263 and 582 kg ha^(-1)) in 2016 when compared to CT at Daya and Dacheng, the higher spike number per square meter and grains per spike in RT contributed to this difference.


wheat tillage practices weed population yield
