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Development of National Food Industry As Food Diversification Strategy in Chinese Taipei

赴印尼參加2012 APEC專家會議演講稿


The 32% sustained lower food self-sufficiency rate of Chinese Taipei weighted by energy in around 2005-2012 is the bottleneck issue need to make the further improvement. The national food self-sufficiency ratio is an important issue concerned with food insecurity for the country development. Rice is the major staple food in Chinese Taipei, and it is sufficient of rice production since 1975. However, the cereals of wheat, corn, barley and soybean are five time more in volume imported both to meet for the food consumption and animal feed. The major factors caused to the food insecurity in Chinese Taipei are the lower rice consumption due to eating dietary pattern change and the quick expansion of livestock and fishery industries. The agriculture sector of it is serious facing challenges of the small scale of farming, aging farmers, large acreage of set-aside farmlands, soaring price of fertilizers, natural disasters accelerated by global climate change, and rapid changes in world food price. To cope with these challenges, Chinese Taipei will secure the stable food supply through revitalization of its set-aside farmlands and international market, and provide with advanced technical assistance to local farmers, in particular on the imported substituted food crops cultivation and consumption. This presentation provides information and experience on noteworthy measures in food diversification strategy in Chinese Taipei.
