  • 期刊


A Game-Based Learning Approach to Improving the Effectiveness of T1DM Care by 2-Year PGY Nurses




Purpose: Children with IDDM who received effective care guidelines from pediatric nurses during their hospitalization period would have an increased understanding of the disease and enhanced self-care abilities when they return home. Method: Factors leading to lower effectiveness of TIDM patient education include (1) the PGY nursing staff lack sufficient knowledge regarding IDDM patient education, (2) a lack of clear IDDM guidelines in patient education, or inefficiency in facilities or tools for teaching insulin injection, and (3) an unclear evaluation process or standard. This project aimed to explore the influence of a game-based learning approach to 2-year PGY nurses in advanced education for T1DM care. The new PGY education program based on game-based learning with a new tool box was created, and a simulation teaching strategy was developed for use in demonstrating and evaluating insulin injection processes to PGY nurses. Additionally, IDDM standards and work guidance for new personnel were enacted. Results: After completing this program, participants showed valid achievements by using game-based learning in the 2-year PGY training process. The results show that the correct rate in TIDM nursing care knowledge and skills increased from 58.7% to 98.4%, and evaluations showed that the correctness of insulin injection rose from 63.8% to 98.8%. Discussion: This project enhanced the T1DM knowledge, abilities, and practice satisfaction in nurse PGY staff, and thereby improved the effectiveness of patient care safety and quality.


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