

突發重大創傷事件後,產生複雜的生、心理問題,導致生活品質下降、心理障礙增加、以及與社會連結降低等,若長期未處理,可能產生情緒障礙、物質濫用等。近年有關復原力的研究雖然持續增加,但「創傷復原力」尚未有完整的探討且鮮少被重視及研究。第一線臨床照護人員應不只注意到個人創傷時的生理問題,也應關注心理的復原力,因此,了解此概念可幫助個人培養創傷復原力,展現較佳的適應能力,以減少創傷對身心靈及社會產生的傷害,進而改善照護品質。本文依照Walker & Avant(2019)的概念分析步驟對「創傷復原力」進行分析,統整相關文獻定義此概念,並透過典型、邊緣、相反及相關案例等描述釐清概念,進而確認影響創傷復原力的前因後果及實證測量工具,期透過此概念分析,協助臨床照護人員對此概念有更多的認識與應用,以協助早期評估並確立個案創傷問題,設計相關介入措施,以幫忙個案培養復原力,期此概念分析能有助於臨床實務及未來研究,並提升照護品質。


When complex physical and psychological problems arise after the sudden occurrence of a major traumatic event, there is a resulting decline in quality of life, an increase in psychological barriers, and a reduction in social connections. Such consequences, if left untreated for long periods of time, may then entail emotional disorders and substance abuse. Recent years have seen an increased number of studies on resilience; nevertheless, "trauma resilience" has not yet been fully explored, and is generally undervalued and rarely studied. Front-line clinicians should not only address the physical issues that occur at the time of personal trauma, but also psychological resilience. Therefore, understanding the concept of resilience will be conducive to fostering trauma resilience in individuals, who will then demonstrate better resilience and suffer less of the physical, psychological, and social harm that trauma inflict on the body, thereby improving their quality of care. This study analyzes "trauma resilience" according to the process of concept analysis used by Walker & Avant (2019). It has compiled literature to perform concept analysis on "trauma resilience", while clarifying the concept through descriptions of typical cases, edge cases, opposite cases, and relevant cases, and thereby confirms the impact of trauma resilience. It is hoped that this concept analysis will help clinical caregivers better understand and apply this concept, which will facilitate early assessment and identification of trauma problems in patients and the design of intervention measures that can develop resilience. It is also hoped that this concept analysis can contribute both to clinical practice and future research while also improving quality of care.


Trauma Resilience Trauma Resilience Concept Analysis


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