  • 期刊


The learning experience of water aerobics course for visually impaired female student




Purpose: To investigate the learning motivation, cognitive and affective learning of a visually impaired junior who participated in water aerobics course, and further explore her learning difficulty and strategy to solve the problems. Methods: Purposive sampling was used to select a female junior with visual impairment from a university in Northern Taiwan. She enrolled in an elective water aerobics course. The course consisted of 16 lessons with 120 minutes per session weekly. The qualitative data were collected through interview and learning experience writings from the participant, teaching observation records, and teaching logs of two researchers. Results: 1. Learning motivation: The participant in demonstrated a higher degree of acceptance, serious learning attitude and higher level of motivation towards water aerobics course. 2. Cognitive learning: The participant had a better understanding of water aerobics activity. She learned that the water aerobics course had brought her some rehabilitation effect. 3. Affective learning: The participant felt that the water aerobics course had made her more confident. She was more physically fit and more relaxed from stress, and integrated into community life with self-confidence. 4. Learning difficulty and solution: The participant encountered difficulties in ball and jumping activity. The strategies she used to solve the problems were to take the initiative to raise the learning issue, mutual cooperation among her peers in the same course, and with the modification in activity design and equipment from the instructor. Conclusion: The visually impaired junior participated in this study showed improvement on motivation, cognitive and affective learning, and felt the rehabilitate effect of water aerobics course. When experiencing learning difficulties, she was able to self-help, seek help from the instructor and peers to solve the problems.


