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Parametric Optimization of Machining Criteria for Al 6068 Aluminum Alloy using in Manufacturing Process of Aircraft


In the aviation industry, it is essential to use parts that are lightweight but durable, and aluminum alloys generally provides effective solutions. In manufacturing processes, automation-based production techniques and robotic and efficient processing processes such as Computer Numeric Technique (CNC) are used, and it is important to define optimum production parameters. In this study, parametric optimization values of machining criteria were developed for the milling operation of AL 6068 aluminum alloy. For this purpose, Response Surface Method (RSM) was used for optimal solutions of parametric values and evaluation of relationships. According this, optimum processing parameters were determined to be 1521 rpm revolution speed, 0.4 mm depth of cut, and 197 mm/min federate. These manufacturing parameters were evaluated. A quadratic regression equation giving the surface roughness was created for this operation. At the end of the study, some suggestions were made regarding the improvement of production efficiency based on the parameters defined.


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