  • 期刊


A Discussion of the Definition and Methodology of Practical Theology


神學是以理性來探討信仰,源自於信仰群體的知性需求。實踐神學必須關注處境對話過程的重整,並信仰與生活的整合。神學在服事信仰群體時,本質上是實踐性的,但扎根於聖經,以探究的自由對基督信仰的踐行,進行了反思和建構,以回應人類個體和社會整體在處境中的問題,因此實踐神學應走入人群。特雷西(David Tracy)強調神學的公共性,並指出神學研究應處於公共處境,本質即為公共論述。他提出「實踐-理論-實踐」模式取代傳統的「理論-實踐」模式後,該模式在布朗寧(Don S. Browning)倡導下成目前西方實踐神學方法論的主要模式,並定調在「實踐-反省-實踐」的循環。神學研究作為學術體制的成果之一,必須接受學術群體的檢驗,為達學術的要求,即須建立研究鑑別的學術標準。實踐神學的關注焦點是基督信仰的踐行,因此借用了社會科學的方法,作為其重要的合作伙伴,幫助了解社會的現實。為要科學化地進行對教會實況的神學反思,實踐神學需社會學,也可自由地使用實證研究取向,以抓住處境議題、神學的反省與基督的實踐這三大焦點,反映其為「由下而上」的神學模式。


Theology explores faith utilizing human reasoning. Theology stems from the intellectual needs of faith groups. Practical theology must focus on the reorganization of situational dialogues and integrate faith and life. Theology when serving the faith community is practical in nature; but it is firmly rooted in the Bible. It allows a degree of freedom in its exploration of the application of Christianity in that both counter points and apologetic can be reflected in order that personal and societal issues can be addressed in a way that reflects Christian value and thus allows theology to be accepted by the public. David Tracy emphasized the public nature of theology and advocated that theological research should take place in a public situation. He proposed the "practice-theory-practice" model to replace the traditional "theory-practice" model. This model was advocated by Don S. Browning and became the main model of the western practice methodology. Tracy’s model can be further modified to a "practice-reflection-practice" model. Theological research, being part of the academic system, must be adhere to the academic requirements. it is, therefore, necessary to establish academic standards for research purposes. The focus of practical theology is the practice of the Christian faith in the face of reality. Hence, it borrows and partners from social science methods in order to gain insight into societal reality. In order to apply scientific methods to practical theology, knowledge of sociology is imperative. The theologian is free to utilize whatever methods are available to him in order to capture three main focus of Christianity: situational issues, reflection of theology and application of Christ. This reflects "bottom-up" method of theology.
