  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess

Green Networks: Guidelines for Developing Taipei as an Eco-City Based on Case Studies of Three Greenways in Sheffield


The major aim of this research is to develop a series of guidelines to shape Taipei into an Eco-city, derived from the concept of Sheffield's Green Network. It is one of our great responsibilities in life to maintain and leave beautiful surroundings and natural resource as much as we can for those who come after us. A way to achieve this is to approach landscape management as merely a tool to assist in planning a city's Green Network or an Eco-city by bringing together all the urban development issues and the whole range of viewpoints relevant to the area they covered. Three greenways case studies in Sheffield are good examples of Green Network planning which have great characteristic functions of both ecological protection and historic heritage. This is because they have prevented development from sprawling by their linear boundaries and historic heritage of waterpower for the local steel industry that always runs along the rivers. On the other hand, evaluation of these three case studies can be a starting point for further global sustainability and also facilitate developing guidelines of greenways management for a unique city like Taipei. This contains half modern surroundings and half farmland and mountain forest hillsides, which total 12,590.97 hectares altogether. The study methods are used to explore the relevant factors within greenways management by evaluation and discussion of three greenways of a Green Network in Sheffield.
