  • 期刊


The Dialectic of Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches of Feminist Methodology


1960 年代開始,一些女性主義者意識到性別權力關係對學術研究和知識建構的影響,質疑研究方法論上的性別偏誤與壓抑女性,對當時實證、量化的主流典範提出嚴厲的批判。女性主義者極力倡導俗民方法論(ethnomethodology)、後結構主義(post-structuralism)和詮釋學(hermeneutics)等等的質性典範,強調它們在研究上的優越性,強烈拒絕量化和實驗方法,甚至形成「量化」和「質化」的性別二元對立的現象。本文主要以不斷反思的精神,從辯證的模式,梳理出女性主義研究方法論的發展脈絡,指出其中的矛盾和衝突,並且主張女性主義者不應劃地自限的排斥量化研究,宜以女性主義反偏執的精神,以兼容並蓄的態度,結合質量研究的特點,以多元方法論的理念,才能發展出比較無所偏誤的學術研究和知識建構。


Since the 1960s, some feminists have been aware of the influence of gender power relation on the construction of academic knowledge. They interrogated the gender bias and women’s oppression within the mainstream research methodology and strongly criticized the positivist and quantitative paradigm. Feminists made every effort to advocate the qualitative paradigm, such as ethnomethodology, post-structuralism and hermeneutics, emphasizing its superiority and intensely rejecting quantitative methods and experiments. Consequencely, a dichotomy between quantitative and qualitative methods has developed. This paper seeks to, reflexively and dialectally, analyze the context of development of feminist methodology and point out its contradictions and conflicts. The researcher suggest that, to develop academic research and knowledge with less bias, feminists should not totally reject quantitative methods but, from the attitude of open-mindedness, adopt a multiple approach, namely combining the advantages of both qualitative and quantitative methods.,


