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Jing-ying Huiyuan's Life, Works and His Xian-shi School


本文是對「隋代三師」之一淨影寺慧遠之行持、著述及其佛學性格的研究。行持部分,本文分生平、戒行、學業、法裔四個方面加以論究,在前人研究的基礎上實現了以下推論:一、佐藤哲英先生認為慧遠經歷了一個青化寺時代,實際上難以成立;二、慧遠挺身護法不僅是一個歷史事件,更重要是一個宗教事件,它充分展示了大乘菩薩道之踐行者捨身護法、度生的慈悲精神;三、慧遠並非從曇遷初聞攝論學,事實上他在從曇遷聽《攝論》前,已從其弟子辯相處得悉此學了。著述部分,本文最重要的成果是考定敦煌文獻P. 2141號寫本殘卷為慧遠《地持論義記》已佚失的一部分;其次,從佛教中的「夏」這一概念切入,更具體地推定了慧遠初次說法、註疏《十地經論》的時間;第三,更加細密地論證了《大乘起信論義疏》的真實性。思想部分,本文指出慧遠所立顯實宗乃是今日能確知的中土第一個完整的如來藏緣起系統,它對智顗、吉藏、元曉、智儼、法藏等重要佛學家都有相當大的影響。


This article is the research about the life, works and Xian-shi School of Jing-ying Huiyuan, one of the three masters in Sui Dynasty. In the first part, his life, practice in Buddhism, studies and the school he belonged to are discussed. Based on the previous researches, further studies have been done in the following aspects. First, I don't agree that Jing-ying Huiyuan once experienced the period at Qinghua Monastery as Mr. Sato Tetsue said. Second, that Jing-ying Huiyuan stood up and defended Buddhism is not only a historical event, but also a religious event. It fully shows Buddhist compassion of one whopractices the Bodhisattva-carya. Third, Jing-ying Huiyuan did not first learn Mahayana-samgraha from Tanqian, in fact before Tanqian attended his preach he had learnt it from his disciple Bianxiang. In the second part of introducing his writings, the most important point in this article is that, after having made a textual research, I have found that the scrolls of P. 2141 in Dunhuang literature is part of the lost section of Jing-ying Huiyuan's Commentary on Bodhisattva-bhumi. Furthermore, focusing on the concept of "Xia" the summer, I've inferred the time when Jing-ying Huiyuan first made his preach and the Commentary on Dasa-bhumika-sutra-sastra. Finally, I've demonstrated the authenticity of the Commentary onMahayana-sraddhotpada. In the last part on his thought, I've pointed out that Jing-ying Huiyuan's thought was undoubtedly the first complete system of Xian-shi School in China, it had much influence over the Buddhists such as Zhiyi, Jizang, Yuanxiao, Zhiyan and Fazang.


