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A Discourse Beyond "Wife Batterers:" An Institutional Ethnographic Analysis of Men in the Batterer Prevention Program



本文採「建制民族誌」視角,採小團體觀察與深度訪談法,分析婚暴處遇中男性的處境。探討「家暴防治法」所形成的「建制現實」如何形塑機構專家與男性之間的「統治關係」。研究者從接受婚暴處遇中的男性述說中發現,這些男性認為「婚姻衝突」的真實生活經驗與家暴防治專家的各個建制目標之間有所「斷裂」。由婚暴處遇男性所經驗的斷裂出發,研究者歸結出家暴網絡的四項建制觀點:(1) 社政著重保護受暴女性;(2) 司法強調遏阻暴力行為;(3) 醫療針對行為矯治;(4) 女性主義則聚焦性別暴力。本文發現,在司法的骨架和女性主義的外衣之外,「行動中的法」其實是由社政(社工)、醫療(諮商)來輔助司法,以達到當初各界催生立法的目的。分析這四項建制觀點顯示,持傳統性別意識型態的男性,在建制中常被專家認為在淡化或合理化其「暴力行為」,現行網絡卻無法有效斬斷父權社會中男子氣概與其行為之間的牽連。研究發現,家暴處遇專家們若僅採「保護女性」的「意識型態運作」將男性當作「加害者」個人行為問題來看待,往往導致信任關係難以建立,影響處遇成果。研究者主張,暴力與特定類型的男子氣概之生成,實為父權文化的性別產物,男性與女性一樣,都處在父權的社會結構與文化脈絡中。因此,在家暴網絡中,應該加入男子氣概與建制觀點的分析,才能建構更有效的家暴防治體系,改善目前再犯率高的問題。


This paper analyzes wife batterers through the lens of Institutional Ethnography. Using field observations in focus groups and in-depth interviews, the researchers investigate the institutional realities constructed by the Domestic Violence Prevention Program and the ruling relations surrounding the professionals and wife batterers. The narratives of these wife batterers reveal that there are experiences of disjunctures between the lived experiences of wife batterers' marriages and the professionals within institutional realities. From these wife batterers' experiences of disjunctures, this paper demonstrates four perspectives within the institutional discourse of the Domestic Violence Prevention Program: (1) the institutional discourse of social work focuses on protecting the battered women, (2) the institutional discourse of the legal system emphasizes punishing violence, (3) the institutional discourse of the medical system targets behavioral corrections, and (4) the institutional discourse of feminism sees battering as a gender-based problem. Initiated by the feminist agenda, the process of the institutionalization of domestic violence prevention takes place with assistance from the legal system, the medical system, and social workers. These institutional discourses reveal that professionals tend to view those men with conservative gender values as finding excuses for violent behaviors. The findings of this study indicate that the current Program fails to deconstruct the connections between violence and masculinity, because violence and a certain type of masculinity are products of patriarchy. This paper shows that the ideological practices of "protecting women" might simply label men as abusers, but fail to build trust between men and the professionals. To conclude, the researchers argue that it is important to consider masculinity, class, and violence from a gendered perspective when designing the Batterer Prevention Program to lower the recidivism rate.


林明傑、沈勝昂(2003)。我國婚姻暴力加害人之危險評估─DA 量表在我國適用之研究。犯罪學期刊。6(2),177-216。
