  • 會議論文
  • OpenAccess


Study on Campus Application Systems Combined with NFC and EPUB EBook Editors


近年來科技越來越發達的時代裡,幾乎人人皆有智慧型行動裝置。這些智慧型行動裝置結合無線通訊感應器越發成熟,如iBeacon、WiFi 感應、近場通訊等,皆有其優勢與可應用的地方。另外,可結合智慧型行動裝置的電子書相關應用技術在距今約十幾年前開始被重視與開發,透過智慧型行動裝置或不同載具以特定型式之應用來輔助人們發展與閱讀相關應用。目前許多大型出版社對於電子書格式與編輯系統相關應用已逐漸完善,反觀對於一般使用者來說,電子書之編輯與應用系統還相當欠缺。本研究主要開發結合近場通訊感應器與電子書編輯系統之應用,我們利用EPUB 電子書格式標準開發出可以模擬電子書編輯器之網頁與伺服器端之電子書編輯系統。本研究並利用近場通訊感應之原理,結合智慧型行動裝置上之近場通訊感應器,藉由感應電子標籤來讀取標籤內的內容,用以模擬電子書試閱的使用者情境。本研究所提出之系統,在Android 平臺上結合近場通訊感應功能來模擬校園生活應用。除了讓使用者可以利用自己行動閱讀裝置上的近場通訊感測器功能,來感應電子標籤上的內容,並做試閱電子書的動作,藉此模擬使用者的書籍電子化的閱讀情境。而本研究除了可以應用在校園圖書館內的書籍推薦欄,亦可以用在新書發表或活動發布之中。藉由簡單的近場通訊感應的動作而達到快速瀏覽電子資訊內容的目的;然後輔以網頁端的電子書編輯系統模擬編輯電子書的步驟。讓一般使用者也能輕易的製作出電子書籍的內容,並在最後使用模擬電子標籤海報製作的方式,作電子書推薦的呈現,可方便使用者列印出電子標籤海報的內容。


With the advance of technology, almost everyone has a handheld device in recent years. These intelligent handheld devices usually equipped with various sensors, such as iBeacon, WiFi, and NFC (Near-Field Communications). In addition, handheld devices combined with e-book related applications have been taken seriously for people reading needs which has been developed dating back approximately ten years ago. Recently major publishers have established many e-book formatting and editing application systems and which have been gradually improved. In contrast to the general user, the tools for e-books editing and application system is still quite lacking. This study mainly develops e-book editing system combined with the NFC application. We use the EPUB eBook format and eBook international standards to develop a system for simulation eBook editor page with server-side web and e-book editing system. We design the smart posters which embedded with NFC tags to extend e-book application from pure virtual to cyber-physical situation. Users can use handheld device combined with NFC sensor, by sensing NFC tags to read the contents of the tag within the smart posters which will automatically invoke an e-book for users to preview. The proposed system is implemented in Android platform which can be integrated with smart campus applications especially for library. This study not only can be used in the campus library, the books recommended, but also can be used in the activities of new book published or released. Our system provides two editing modules including e-book editing tools and smart poster editing tools for users can easily produce his own e-book and associated smart poster.
