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The Festival-related Features of the Dansai Folk Museum in Thailand


丹塞(Dansai) 是位於泰國和寮國邊境的城鎮,隸屬泰國東北部黎府境內,當地居民以寮國佬族和泰國泰族為主。為祈求豐收,每年泰國陰曆7、8月,也正是雨季之時,丹塞居民就會舉辦phi ta khon 儀式,簡單說,也就是做大型法會(boonluang ) 祈求雨季的平順、健康和農作的豐收,同時他們相信,透過phi ta khon 的儀式,丹塞的鬼靈會回來共同守護此地,讓住在這兒的居民得到幸福和快樂。丹塞地區因phi ta khon 節慶而樹立在地的文化特色,除了有節慶儀式之外,當地蓬猜寺內還設有丹塞民俗館,該館結合地方節慶、文化、宗教與商業元素,形塑出親近民眾與顯現在地文化精神兩大特色,本文將以泰國丹塞民俗館為例,輔之作者田野調查資料,剖析丹塞民俗館之特色,期經由異文化的思維,得以進一步思索有關地區性博物館文化行銷的策略與趨勢。


Dansai is located along the border between Thailand and Laos. It is under the jurisdiction of Loei Province in northeastern Thailand. The local clan belongs to the Laotian clan of Lao (Lao, Tai-Lao) and the Thai clan of Thailand (Tai, Siam-Tai). The residents hold the phi ta khon ritual every rainy season to call on the local ghosts for blessings and protection. Phi ta khon is characteristic of the Dansai local culture. In addition to holding this ceremony, the Phonchai Temple has developed a Dansai folk museum. This museum integrates festivals, culture, religious beliefs, local economy and other factors. There is close interaction between this museum and the people of Dansai and this museum reveals the spirit of the local culture to its audiences. The aims of this paper are to explore the phi ta khon ritual through fieldwork and to analyze the Dansai folk museum characteristics and marketing strategies.


(張雅粱,2011a.Rattana Sanagsarrang訪談稿.).
(張雅粱,2011b.Chanchaem Duangupa訪談稿.).
(張雅粱,2011c.jao por guan訪談稿.).
Various Artis, 2006. Phi Ta Khon: Ghosts of Isan (DVD).
