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Would School Gardening Activities Improve Children's Vegetable Preferences and Physical Activity?




Several previous studies indicated that horticultural activities in the schoolyard can not only improve the vegetable intake of elementary school students, but also increase their physical activities. Taiwanese elementary school students generally have the issues of picky eaters and insufficient physical activities. The purpose of this study is to understand whether the introduction of horticultural activities to schoolyard can improve vegetable preference and physical activity of students. A total of 44 students from 3rd and 4th grade of elementary school (divided into the planting group and the food education group) joined this study from September to December 2019. The survey tools were divided into two parts. Firstly, the dietary preference survey utilized the vegetable preference questionnaire, the nutrition knowledge questionnaire and interviews. Secondly, for the physical activity study, the measurement by smart watch and observation methods were applied. The results showed that both groups had improvement on vegetable preferences and the post-test scores of the planting group were higher than those of the food education group. Based on the heart rate results, horticultural activities can only provide 1.68% of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity in students which is not consistent with the past studies. However, it still can assist to reduce the sedentary time of children in school.


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兒童福利聯盟文教基金會,(2010, August 23),台灣孩子怕吃「苦」?!2010 年台灣兒童偏食情形調查報告,【調查報告】,擷取自:https://www.children.org.tw/news/advocacy_detail/313
兒童福利聯盟文教基金會(2015, March 17)。病從口入?兒童飲食健康拉警報![網路新聞]。擷取自:https://www.children.org.tw/news/advocacy_detail/1365
