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Teaching Computer Programming for Freshmen: A Study on Using Scratch as Remedial Teaching


本研究以修習C++程式設計的大一學生45 位為研究對象,探討學習成就、學習焦慮與程式語言之間的關係。首先在期中考後使用學習焦慮量表施測,結果顯示學習成就低的學生學習焦慮較高,尤其以學習成就在全班四分之一以下的12 位學生最為明顯;其次以Scratch(一種視覺化程式語言)對全班進行補充教學,針對低成就組12 位學生進行補救教學;補救教學後收集學生對C++的有趣性(Playfulness)與愉悅性(Enjoyment)的問卷反應,結果顯示以Scratch 進行補救教學後,這12 位學生的學習焦慮明顯降低;並可提高學習有趣性與愉悅性;分析學生補救教學前後的成績,也以這12 位學生的成績進步最為明顯;最後對這12 位學生進行非正式訪談並分析補救教學中的Scratch 作品。整體而言,研究發現於程式設計課程中介紹Scratch 能在悅趣的氣氛下進行有效的補充式補救教學,並提高學生成績,值得程式設計教師參考採用。


This study explores the relationships among learning achievements, learning anxiety, and computer programming language for novices by using visual programming language, such as Scratch, for remedial instructions. The subjects (n=45) were freshmen who took the C++ programming design course. "Anxiety of Learning Computer Programming" and "Playfulness and Enjoyment of Learning Computer Programming" questionnaires were used as the survey tools. The collected data was analyzed by descriptive statistics and the semi-structured interview. The experimental results showed that the remedial instruction of using Scratch could reduce the student's anxiety about computer programming, and keep the student's learning motivation of computer programming. The remedial instructions could improve learning achievements of the students, especially those of the students with lower performance (n=12). Consequently, using Scratch for remedial instruction is recommended for instructors of computer programming.


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