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Development of the "Learning Environment Scale for Interactive Whiteboard Classroom (LES-IWBC)"


隨著資訊與通訊技術(Information and Communication Technology, ICT)的快速發展,將互動式電子白板(Interactive Whiteboard, IWB)導入課室教學環境已成為未來趨勢。本研究旨在發展「互動式電子白板教室環境感受量表」,以量測學生對此一新興教育科技營造之學習環境的感受。本研究以Maor與Fraser之「建構式多媒體學習環境量表」(Constructivist Multimedia Learning Environment Survey, CMLES)為基礎來發展「互動式電子白板教室環境感受量表」。量表初稿共30題,經專家審查並針對222位國中一、二年級學生實施預試後,採用因素分析法考驗構念效度,正式量表共23題,包含「學習溝通」(5題)、「學習探究」(3題)、「學習思考」(5題)、「關聯性」(4題)、「易用性」(3題)和「挑戰性」(3題)六個分量表。量表累積總變異量為70.7%,Cronbach α為.923。


With the rapid development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), integrating the Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) into traditional classroom teaching has been a trend. The purpose of this study is to develop the "Learning Environment Scale for Interactive Whiteboard Classroom (LES-IWBC)" for assessing students' perceptions about the learning environment equipped with IWB. This study refers to the "Constructivist Multimedia Learning Environment Survey (CMLES)" to develop the LES-IWBC. The original version of LES-IWBC is composed of 30 items. It is reviewed by experts and tested by 222 junior high school students. We adopt factor analysis to do data analysis and delete unsuitable items. The final version of LES-IWBC contains 23 items including six sub-scales, "Learning to Communicate" (5 items), "Learning to Investigate" (3 items), "Learning to Think" (5 items), "Relevance" (4 items), "Ease to Use" (3 items) and "Challenge" (3 items). The cumulative percentage of variance of LES-IWBC is 70.7 %. The Cronbach α of LES-IWBC is .923.


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