  • 期刊


Defining and Clarifying the Concept of "Humanistic Buddhism"




"Humanistic Buddhism," the constructive essence of the 20^(th) Century's Chinese Buddhist wisdom, is a concept created in the changing process of social and historical development. Its original intent is to adapt Chinese Buddhism to modern society needs, particularly religious needs of the public stratum, backbone of the modern society, by reforming itself in order to enhance the character of human spirit and purify the society. After it has come into the social practice in 21^(st) Century, this ideology becomes a new formation of Chinese Mahayana Buddhism, while still carrying plenty of its traditions. Its influence has extended to, if not beyond, the Chinese communities worldwide. The ideological origin of "Humanistic Buddhism" is the emphasis of humanity in the era of the Buddha, while its real birth is in modern China. Its positiveness has changed the values of Buddhists in patriarchal society, who are negative and ivory-towered, living with the temple candles and Buddha statues. It promotes broad participation in modern social life and attaches great importance to charitable, cultural and educational undertakings. "Humanistic Buddhism" has also contributed to the modern transformation of Chinese Buddhism, flourishing in Mainland China, by painting a new route map and coloring it with vigor and vitality. To a large extent, it predicts the future development of Chinese Buddhism. This article is to clarify the concept from various aspects, for example, the origin and development of "Humanistic Buddhism" thought, as well as analysis of associated concepts which easily cause ambiguity, confusion and misunderstanding in the use of the concept. It also proposes tentative classifications, helping to identity the "Humanistic Buddhism" among groups and temples.


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