  • 期刊


"Do We Still Need to Talk About Gender Equality?" Hong Kong Journalists on Gender Awareness




記者 女性主義 現象學 新聞學 性別平等


In the profession of journalism, gender is paradoxically both presented and denied. On one hand, journalists have been indoctrinated with the view that journalism is a de-gendered profession, and on the other hand, they face the effects of gender throughout their career development. Based on the case study of Hong Kong, a survey and in-depth interviews are conducted among frontline journalists who covered the 2019 protests in Hong Kong to explore differences between gender perspectives and daily reporting in journalists based on phenomenological methods and feminist perspectives. The findings suggest that in the process of phenomenological typification and attitudes toward the gendered system, journalists simultaneously embody and deny gender. The denial of gender leads to lower gender awareness among journalists, thus ignoring the structural gender inequality that exists in newsrooms.


journalists feminism phenomenology journalism gender equality


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