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A Study of Fashion Anxiety in Predicting Conspicuous Consumption among Airline Industry Practitioners




The purpose of this study was to examine fashion anxiety predicting conspicuous consumption among airline industry practitioners and to understand the moderating role played by gender and duty. The participants were 404 employees of the airlines of Taiwan international routes. The questionnaire survey was conducted by intentional sampling. There were three main types of participants: 74 male ground crew, 130 female ground crew, and 200 female flight attendants. The survey questionnaire was divided into three parts: basic information, fashion anxiety scale, and conspicuous consumption scale. It was found that the three subcomponents of "sensitivity of fashion", "security of fashion", and "pressure of fashion consumption", could predict conspicuous consumption; there was no difference in conspicuous consumption between male and female ground crew in the airline industry, and there was no difference in conspicuous consumption between female ground crew and female flight attendants in different positions; gender and position did not play a moderating role in the relationship between fashion anxiety and conspicuous consumption. Gender and position did not play a role in moderating the relationship between fashion anxiety and conspicuous consumption. The results provide insight into the airline industry and help to understand the mental health of the airline workforce.


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