  • 期刊


A Study on Carbon Footprint Verification of Taiwan Exhibitions


近年來臺灣開始推動「綠色會展」(Green MICE),其目的除了減少廢棄物及資源浪費外,還有減少溫室氣體,這涉及了「碳足跡」(Carbon Footprint)的概念。而會展活動碳足跡計算,即是評估活動本身直接或間接產生的全部二氧化碳排放量。基於碳足跡管理乃綠色會展重要之一環,目前政府每年皆協助有意願參與之會展主辦單位進行碳足跡查證。本研究針對「展覽」,探討推廣碳足跡查證的相關課題。而航空業在「國際展」的溫室氣體管理中所扮演的角色,值得加以關注。首先,介紹碳足跡的意義,以及如何應用於展覽產業;其次,回顧我國目前推廣碳足跡查證的情形,以及主要的發現;最後,針對展覽業者取得碳足跡查證進行分析。


碳足跡 展覽 綠色會展 航空業


In recent years, Taiwan has begun to promote "Green MICE Projects", and in addition to reduce trash and the waste of resources, an important goal of Green MICE is to reduce greenhouse gases, which is related to the concept of "Carbon Footprint". The carbon footprint for a MICE event is assessed based on the total carbon dioxide emissions produced directly and indirectly by the event. And because carbon footprint management is a vital part of Green MICE, the government has assisted organizers to gaining carbon footprint verification. This study was focused on "exhibitions" to discuss topics about promotion of carbon footprint verification. And the role played by the airlines industry to greenhouse gases management of "international exhibitions" is a major concern of this study. Firstly, the author introduced the meaning of carbon footprint, and how to apply this concept to the exhibition industry; Secondly, the author reviewed status of promoting the verification in Taiwan; Lastly, the author tried to analyze whether the organizers are willing to gain the verification.


中華民國對外貿易發展協會(2011) 。會展活動碳足跡盤查報告書 -Taipei International Cycle Show 2011 。取自台灣會展網 ,https://www.meettaiwan.com/zh_TW/index.html。
台灣會展產業發展計畫 (MEET TAIWAN) (2014)。綠色會展:103 年度碳足跡碳盤查案例分享。取自台灣會展網,https://www.meettaiwan.com/zh_TW/index.html。
台灣會展產業發展計畫 (MEET TAIWAN) 2016a,綠色會展:台灣「碳中和」展覽首例。取自台灣會展網,https://www.meettaiwan.com/zh_TW/index.html。
台灣會展產業發展計畫 (MEET TAIWAN) 2016b,綠色會展:105 年度碳足跡碳盤查案例分享。取自台灣會展網,https://www.meettaiwan.com/zh_TW/index.html。
