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The Digital Humanities Research of the Landscape Painting of the Five Dynasties and Northern Song Dynasty (2): A Study of the "Fisherman-Hermit" Theme in Painting


據畫史畫論文獻著錄,五代北宋時期山水畫的立軸橫卷類有1,200餘幅作品, 本研究選取五代北宋時期有實體流傳於今的120餘幅山水畫圖像為實驗素材(另附加南宋山水畫240餘幅作品為輔證)。僅以畫作中出現「舟船」、「漁人」這兩類相對容易辨識的圖像做為擷取數據對象。在圖像分析和相應文本挖掘互相參照的基礎上,將山水畫的物理圖像特徵作為圖像數據,將表達山水畫內容的題材物類、畫題語義和情境設定等文本資訊作為屬性數據來構建圖像資訊數據模型,進而追溯文學和繪畫史學研究中廣受關注的「漁隱」主題的原型與流變。藉由山水畫「漁隱」圖樣及其語義的微觀案例研究,我們實驗了圖文數據模型和數位人文研究方法在中國古代繪畫研究中運用的有效性。


數位人文 山水畫 漁隱 五代北宋 儒學


In total, there are over 1,200 hanging and hand scroll landscape paintings from five dynasties period to North Song dynasty which have been recorded in various painting histories, treatises, and historical records. In this study, we selected more than 120 paintings as experimental samples and another 240 paintings from South Song dynasty as supporting materials. The selected paintings represent over 30 categories of motifs, such as Snowy Scene, Wintry Forests, Dwellings in Autumnal Mountains, the Mountain and Stream, etc. The image capture technology is used on paintings with two easily recognizable motifs 'fish-boat' and 'fisherman,' of which, 22 out of 132 document recorded paintings were selected. The experiment was carried out in several steps: the first step is to establish a descriptive and statistical model to analyze the formative evolution and character identification of fish-boat and fisherman in different time periods; the second step will construct a semantic network with feature words extracted from the motif information, thematic content and scenario settings of the paintings; finally, based on the cross-references of the image analysis and text mining, it attempts to establish a Full Image Information Retrieval Database for landscape paintings and related descriptions. At last, by studying "Fisherman-Hermit" Theme pattern in painting and its semantics, We test a validity of method of picture-text data model and digital humanity used in Chinese classic painting.


