  • 期刊


菩薩與三乘|The Bodhisattva and the Three Vehicles


仏教の目的は悟りを得ることであり、その体験をブッダが語ることから仏教は始まる。その悟りはanuttara samyaksambodhi(阿耨多羅三藐三菩提,無上正等覚、無上正等菩提)といわれたが、原始佛教や部派仏教ではこの悟りと区別して、阿羅漢になることを目的とする阿羅漢菩提、あるいは声聞菩提が説かれ、ブッダの悟りと区別するようになった。初期の仏教では弟子と師たるブッダの悟りには明確に一線が一画されていたのである。したがって、大乗仏教で凡夫の弟子たちが発菩提心(無上正等覚心)を発して正覚を得ることができると宣言するに至るまでは、教理的にかなりの飛躍があることがわかる。その間の悟りの考察についての発展を示す概念が、主に有部などで説かれた三種菩提説であり、それが三乗という大乗仏教に特有の思想へと展開するのである。三菩提説は声聞菩提、独覚群提・仏菩提からなるが、仏菩提とはこの声聞‧独覚‧仏の三菩提に基づきながら、<ブッダの悟りこそが、菩薩の悟りである>と読み替え、菩薩を強調するのが三乗説に他ならない。しかし、菩薩が悟りを求める者という意味であるならば、声聞も独覚も、立場や実践こそ違え、悟りを求めるという限りでは同一である。そうであるなら、三乗の菩提を求める者は、同じく菩薩とばれてもいいはずである。しかし、三乗のすべてが、菩薩に集約されるならば、三乗や三菩提は何のために説かれたのか、といった議論もある。これに類似した見解はすでに『婆沙論』に見られるが、菩薩を中心とした三乗思想の確立は、やはり般若経、特に大品系の般若経を待たなければならない。大品系般若では、三乗の解釈に二諦說を適用して。世俗諦であることを明示し、それが畢竟空を根拠とすることに言及る、また、三乗中の仏乗を菩薩乗、あるいは大乗と読み替えて、そこから一乗思想が発生する道筋をつけた。この場合の一乗とは菩薩乗であるが、それには二乗を越える唯一の乗という意味と、悟りを求める菩薩という意味での菩薩乗という二義がある。このような菩薩乗の解釈こそが、三乗思想を解く鍵となっているのである。また、般若経によれば菩薩は三乗のすべてに通ずる道であり、その意味で菩薩の智慧であれ実践であれ、声聞、独覚すべての道に通ずるものであることが明確に述べられている。例えば梵本 『八千頌般若』では、三乗について「如来によって説かれたこれら三種の菩薩乗〔によって修行する〕人々」とする。この三乗の例は唯一の例外であるが、<三乗とは菩薩道の三種類>、であると明白に述べられていることは注目に値する。この箇所に対応する『一万八千頌般若』、『二万五千頌般若』も「菩薩乗の三種に区別はない」と繰り返しているので、般若経の主張は一貫している。つまり、ここでいう三乗とは、「声聞・辟支仏・仏乗(菩薩乗)」ではなく、菩薩の三つの修行形態をっているのであり、そしてこれが「一〔仏〕乗」の意味なのである。般若経はこのような菩薩の姿を描き、仏道修行者のあるべきすがたを述べようとしたのである。今回の「大乗経典に見られる社会」というシンポジウムのテーマとは直接一致しないが、本発表ではこのような菩薩の働きについて論じながら、従来の一乗・三乗思想からを菩薩の一乗という般若経の考え方を再評価し、そのことによって、大乗仏教の修行者にみられる社会への関わり方を考察するヒントとしたい。


佛教的目的在於證悟,且佛教是來自於佛陀描述自己的證悟經驗而開展,稱為「阿耨多羅三藐三菩提」(anuttara samyaksambodhi)或無上正等正覺。然而在原始佛教與部派佛教中區別了此證悟,其提及了以成就阿羅漢為目的的阿羅漢菩提或者聲聞菩提,與佛陀的證悟開始有所區別。由於早期佛教佛陀和弟子的覺悟有著很明確的區分,因此到了大乘佛教宣言凡夫弟子們能發菩提心得正等覺時,在這之間教理上有著相當大的飛躍。本文呈現這之間證悟發展上的概念主要是以有部等所說的三種菩提,此三種菩提展開了大乘佛教特有的三乘思想。三菩提說由聲聞菩提、獨覺菩提、佛菩提所組成,佛菩提是佛陀之證悟,也就是無上正等正覺。並且其根據聲聞、獨覺、佛之三菩提,得出佛之證悟即菩薩之證悟,強調菩薩不外是三乘說。然而,如果菩薩乃是求證悟者,那麼同樣地聲聞和獨覺皆是求證悟者—縱使兩者之間有著不同的觀點和修持。這樣的話,我們應當可以稱三乘中所有求菩提者為菩薩。但是,如果三乘皆可統稱為菩薩,那麼則會產生為何提倡三乘與三種菩提的議論。類似於這樣的觀點雖已出現於《婆沙論》中,但確立以菩薩為中心的三乘思想必須等到《般若經》,特別是大品系的《般若經》。在大品系般若中,將二諦說應用於三乘的解釋,明示三乘為世俗諦,並提及其以畢竟空為依據。再者,其將三乘中的佛乘改以菩薩乘或者大乘替代,由此而給予了一乘思想產生的理由。此處的一乘雖為菩薩乘,但其中則有著超越二乘的唯一一乘,以及求證悟者之菩薩乘的兩個意義。這樣菩薩乘的解釋,正成為了解釋三乘思想的關鍵。其次,般若經明確地敘述菩薩是通往三乘之道,通往聲聞、獨覺之道,在此意義下菩薩是智慧的、實踐的。例如,在梵文本的《八千頌般若》中,如來說三乘為「根據三種菩薩乘修行的人」。雖然此三乘的例子是唯一的特例,但值得注意的是,這裡很明確的提出了三乘對應三種菩薩道的說法。在《一萬八千頌般若》和《兩萬五千頌般若》的對應文段中皆重複提到,三種菩薩乘無有不同。由此可見,般若經典中所呈現的論點十分一致。總結的來說,此處說的三乘不是「聲聞乘、辟支佛和佛(菩薩乘)」,而是菩薩的三種修行形態,並且是一(佛)乘的意涵。在般若經中想要描繪這樣的菩薩形態,來談論佛道修行者應該有的身態。雖然本文與此次「大乘經典中所見之社會」座談會的主題不直接一致,但本論一方面討論菩薩的修行,一方面從以前三乘、一乘的思想再評價般若經菩薩一乘的觀點,藉此我想做出大乘佛教修行者如何參與整體社會之考察的暗示。|The goal of Buddhism is to attain awakening, and Buddhism began when the Buddha described his own experience of awakening, which was termed anuttara samyaksambodhi, or "unsurpassed perfect awakening." In early Buddhism and so-called mainstream Buddhism, other kinds of bodhi were also mentioned, such as that of the arhat and the sravaka, and these came to be differentiated from the awakening of the Buddha. In early Buddhism, a clear distinction was made between the awakening of the Buddha and that of his disciples. Therefore, it is evident that, doctrinally speaking, there must have been a considerable leap from this position to the assertion in Mahayana Buddhism that ordinary people could engender the aspiration for awakening (bodhicitta) and attain awakening. A concept indicative of developments in observations about awakening during this time is the theory of three kinds of bodhi, propounded chiefly by the Sarvastivadins, and this evolved into the idea of three vehicles, characteristic of Mahayana Buddhism. The three kinds of bodhi are the bodhi of the sravaka, the pratyekabuddha, and the Buddha. The last is the awakening of the Buddha and corresponds to anuttara samyaksambodhi. On the basis of this theory of three kinds of bodhi, it was then asserted that the bodhisattva's awakening was nothing other than that of the Buddha, with an attendant emphasis on the bodhisattva, and this corresponds to the theory of three vehicles. But if the bodhisattva is someone who seeks awakening, then the sravaka and arhat are the same insofar that they too seek awakening, even if their standpoint and practices may differ. If that is the case, then it ought to be permissible to refer to all those who seek the bodhi of the three vehicles as bodhisattvas. But if all three vehicles can be encapsulated in the bodhisattva, there then arises the question of why the three vehicles or three kinds of bodhi were taught in the first place. Such a view can already be seen in the Mahavibhasa-sastra. In the Mahavibhasa-sastra, it is stated that the arhat who has practiced the practices of the five destinies and has been liberated originally possessed the nature of the bodhisattva, that the three kinds of bodhi are posited from a position which regards the nature of the objects of cognition as really existent, and that three kinds of knowledge are distinguished owing to differences in the wisdom that observes the objects of cognition. Although there is no mention of the two truths in these statements, it can be inferred that the three kinds of bodhi were taught from the position of conventional truth. As will be noted below, this thesis is reflected in the Prajnaparamita sutras, representative of the early Mahayana, although not in the Astasahasrika Prajnaparamita and related texts, but in the Pancavimsatisahasrika Prajnaparamita and related texts. In the Pancavimsatisahasrika and related texts, the theory of two truths is applied to the interpretation of the three vehicles, and it is stated that the three vehicles represent conventional truth and are grounded in ultimate emptiness. Further, by changing the Buddha vehicle among the three vehicles to "bodhisattva vehicle" or "great vehicle," the way was opened for the emergence of the idea of one vehicle. In this case, "one vehicle" refers to the bodhisattva vehicle, which has two meanings, namely, the sole vehicle, which is superior to the two vehicles, and the vehicle of bodhisattvas in the sense of those who seek awakening. It is this interpretation of the bodhisattva vehicle that is the key to understanding the idea of three vehicles. Furthermore, according to the Prajnaparamita sutras, the path of the bodhisattva is one that is applicable to all three vehicles, and it is clearly stated that in this sense both the knowledge and practice of the bodhisattva are applicable to the paths of the sravaka and pratyekabuddha. For instance, in the Sanskrit text of the Astasahasrika the three vehicles are referred to as "three [kinds of] people of the bodhisattva vehicle explained by the Tathagata." This example of the three vehicles is a sole exception, but nonetheless what is worth noting here is that it is clearly stated that the three vehicles correspond to three kinds of bodhisattva paths. In the corresponding sections in the Astadasasahasrika and Pancavimsatisahasrika too it is repeatedly stated that there are no distinctions between the three bodhisattva vehicles, and therefore the arguments presented in the Prajnaparamita sutras are quite consistent. That is to say, it is shown that the three vehicles, which here correspond to the vehicles of the sravaka, pratyekabuddha, and Buddha (or bodhisattva), represent three modes of practice engaged in by bodhisattvas, and this is what is meant by "one (Buddha) vehicle." In other words, "bodhisattva" has the broad meaning of a practitioner on the path to awakening and the narrow meaning of one of the three vehicles. The Prajnaparamita sutras provide a picture of such a bodhisattva as they seek to describe the ideal form of the practitioner of the Buddhist path. In this article, I discuss the functions of the bodhisattva as described above and reassess the thinking of the Prajnaparamita sutras, in which the earlier ideas of one vehicle and three vehicles developed into the idea of the one bodhisattva vehicle. By doing so, I believe that it will be possible to show how the practitioner engages with society as a whole on the basis of the tenets of Mahayana Buddhism.


渡辺章悟、2013、「般若経の形成と展開」、(『智慧/世界/ことば 大乗仏典Ⅰ』シリーズ大乗仏教四)高崎直道監修、春秋社

