  • 期刊


The Dharma Lineage of Xueqiao Yuanxin and the Record of Juyuan




Xueqiao Yuanxin 雪嶠圓信 (1571-1647) was a representative Chan monk of the late Ming dynasty, known primarily for the high esteem in which he was held by the early Qing dynasty emperor Shunzhi 順治帝. Regarding his own Dharma ancestry, Xueqiao Yuanxin claimed to have received transmission directly from Yunmen Wenyan 雲門文偃 (864-949), founder of the Yunmen school of Chan, a claim that generated much criticism. Of Xueqiao's successors little is known. Recently, however, a valuable source of information on this topic has been found in the Record of Juyuan 拠源録, a heretofore unknown unique manuscript in the Zōkyō Shoin 蔵経書院 collection at the Kyoto University Library. This text not only clarifies aspects of the activities of masters in Xueqiao's line but also provides evidence attesting to the importance of Dharma transmission and lineage in that era. The present article investigates the Dharma lineage of Xueqiao, based on the Record of Juyuan with supplementary material from the late-Ming, early-Qing Lamp histories.


《密雲禪師語錄》,CBETA, J10, no. A158。
《福嚴費隱容禪師紀年錄》,CBETA, J26, no. B178。
《天童弘覺忞禪師北遊集》,CBETA, J26, no. B180。
《布水臺集》,CBETA, J26, no. B181。
《雲棲大師遺稿》,CBETA, J33, no. B277。
