  • 期刊


The Images of Hakka in the PCT Hymnal Sèng-si


The aim of this essay is to find the images of Hakka, which bases on PCT Hymnal (2009), and tries to search from the marginalized to the valuable in the Christian mission in Taiwan over a hundred years. In the beginning, the essay starts from the encounter of Hakka and Christianity, compares then the versions of PCT Hymnal from different times, and illustrates the process of how Hakka folksongs form the hymns. I further discuss the relationship between folk song and hymn, and to view the characters of music and the implication of faith from the Hakka hymns in PCT Hymnal. Accordingly, I attempt to present the images of Hakka in the eyes of the writers and the editors of the hymnal. The contention is that the writers of Hakka hymns appropriate resources from the folk music and compose lyrics with the biblical discourse and the Christian faith in order to transform the ideas of tradition and culture of Hakka. This combination of Hakka culture and Christian faith is presented as "Hakka hymns". Finally, my perspectives, evaluations and advices are in the conclusion.

